How to write a financial analysis paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Why is there Large Employee Turnover Rate at Wal-Mart Research Paper
For what reason is there Large Employee Turnover Rate at Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example In spite of the fact that the figures for worker turnover for Wal-Mart are not promptly accessible there is a ton of data to show in any event that representatives are unsettled and that the turnover purpose is high. Indeed, the organization has been confronted with various claims identifying with sex segregation and staying at work longer than required without pay. Wal-Mart is as of now one of the most persuasive and regarded organization which is equal with that directed by the assembling mammoths of the twentieth century Lichtenstein (2009). The organization is in position number 15 on Forbes List as a Global 2000 Leading Company and as one of the World’s Biggest Public Company (Forbes 2013). This depends on deals, benefit, resources and market esteem. As far as deals Wal-Mart is in the number 1 position, sixteenth in benefit, 135th in resources and seventh as far as market esteem. On Forbes (2012) rundown of ‘The World’s Most Powerful Brands, Wal-Mart is in th e 25th position and this makes it the world’s top retailing organization. ... The global portion is viewed as the motor of development for the organization as Wal-Mart keeps on extending universally. The point of this examination is to decide the explanation behind the high representative turnover rate at Wal-Mart. The goals of this examination are to decide: I. Regardless of whether remuneration at Wal-Mart might be a factor corresponding to the high paces of turnover ii. Regardless of whether representatives are happy with the degree of correspondence with their bosses iii. Regardless of whether representatives are content with their activity capacities Employee turnover is the development of laborers in the work showcase among associations and between various jobs or occupation (Abassi et al 2000). Writing Review According to Linhartova (2011) Employee turnover is one of the issues identifying with the administration of HR that never leave. Linhartova (2011) completed two investigations on the reasons for workers irritation and turnover. The examination uti lized 29 determinates to portray seven of the fundamental factors that prompted worker turnover †compensation, conviction, connections, acknowledgment, correspondence, culture, and desires. The components were along these lines to contemplates done by other specialist (See John et al 2008; Gosling et al 2003; Benet-Martinez and John 1998). The consequences of the investigation show that every one of the seven variables were firmly connected to work fulfillment. Firth L, David J Mellor, Kathleen A Moore, Claude Loquet (2007). In what manner would managers be able to diminish worker expectation to stop?, J. oversee. Psychol. 19 (2): 170-187. †¦ Strategies to limit turnover Jain (2013) recommends that worker marking which is a moderately new idea n human asset the board. This Jain (2013) shows will permit the association to pick and hold
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Infrindgment & others Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Infrindgment and others - Essay Example A PC is a gadget that is intended to ease function just as make information sorted out and effectively open. In the created nations, youngsters are acquainted with PCs at a youthful age, and they use them for the remainder of their lives and subsequently are not really hit by the negative impacts. PCs represent a danger of the client experiencing musculoskeletal scatters because of the tedious banner and body developments one has while utilizing the PC (Karavidas, Lim, and Katsikas, 2005, p.699). The consistent utilization of a PC can make on experience torment on the fingers and upper arm since these body parts are in real life while utilizing the PC. The dreary utilization of the console prompts aggravation in the carpal passage and consequently causing a difficult condition called the carpal passage disorder (Saba, Pocklingtonâ and Miller, 2008, p.66). Numerous individuals utilize the PC for delayed hours which lead to there being little blood stream in the muscles. The body musc les don't contract and unwind and henceforth an awkwardness of blood stream in the muscles happens which can cause torment on the muscles of the client. PCs are utilized while sitting and this body act prompts complexities with the back, neck and shoulders. Reliable and nonstop utilization of the PC causes the back to yearn because of poor blood stream and furthermore makes the neck yearn due to keeping up one situation for quite a while. A PC client frequently has their arms collapsed at ninety degrees while composing and this situation of the hand exhausts the shoulder extremely quick. The most well-known wellbeing danger of PCs is eye and vision hindrance because of the splendid light that PCs produce and the way that the light is so near the eyes. Nonstop utilization of the PC causes the client to have an obscured vision once they pull back their eyes from the machine. The eyes have an inclination of getting exhausted and due to so much stressing
Sunday, August 2, 2020
How to Write a WINNING Resume - FREE on Amazon October 18-22!
How to Write a WINNING Resume - FREE on Amazon October 18-22! Im happy to announce that for FIVE days beginning October 18, 2013, my new e-book, How to Write a WINNING Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target, will be available for FREE on Amazon Kindle! This e-book takes you through the entire resume writing process, from concept and preparation through formatting and special issues you might face. Heres a sample of one of the 50 tips included in the book. Download the book for FREE on Amazon, October 18th through 22nd, to get the remaining 49! Consider Including a Chart, Graph or Testimonial If you are in sales or you are an executive, you might choose to create a chart or graph as a pictorial representation of your accomplishments. If you’re a receptionist or a nursery school teacher, a graph would be overkill. Here are some samples of a graph or chart included in a resume: Only use a graph if appropriate for the position to which you’re applying. In Career Directors International’s survey Global Hiring Trends 2012, 33% of respondents reported that they still have not received a resume with a chart or a graph. 24% of those who had seen charts and graphs found them helpful or very helpful, while 22% found them distracting. These results are rather inconclusive but indicate that if you work in a conservative industry (such as insurance or finance) it might be best to stick to the tried and true bullet format; in more innovative industries, or for marketing and sales positions, charts and graphs are a great fresh approach. For someone climbing the ladder within the same company, charts and graphs might also be very effective. When in doubt, keep it simple! Testimonials You might not particularly like tooting your own horn, and frankly, some things are much more credible when said by people other than yourself. If you have received recommendations on LinkedIn ®, positive feedback in evaluations, or testimonials in any form, consider putting them on your resume! Here’s what a testimonial might look like: The use of testimonials is becoming more and more common on resumes. In Global Hiring Trends 2012, 29% of those surveyed said a testimonial would influence their decision positively. So take advantage of this trend and let your potential employer know what past employers (or professors if you are a new graduate) have to say about you! You may place the testimonial in the top third of the resume, near the relevant position, or anywhere that makes sense and is visually appealing. ********** Was this article helpful? You can find more tips like this (49 more to be exact!) in my new do-it-yourself resume writing e-book titled How to Write a WINNING Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. And specifically for executives, Ive authored a second version just for you called How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. ** From October 18th through 22nd, get your copy of How to Write a WINNING Resume absolutely FREE on Amazon! Or purchase How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume for just $9.97.** Remember: When you send me a link to your Amazon review, your name will be entered into a bi-annual drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card! You will also be entered into my monthly drawing to win Mary Elizabeth Bradfords Job Search Success System (winner of a 2011 CDI Career Innovator Award and a $97 value check it out here). Click the images above to check out the reviews, purchase, or write a review of your own for a chance to win!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Natraj And Vasu In The Maneater Of Malgudi - 744 Words
Natraj and Vasu are contrasted characters. Natraj, no doubt, is the central figure and the action of the novel is viewed through his eyes. It is his point of view that we always get. But he is an unheroic hero, good at heart, but passive and inactive like most of us. Vasu, on the other hand, represents evil that embodies satanic traits. He is an anti-hero, and Natraj is both attracted and repelled by him. The novel makes it clear that there is a love-hate relationship. It is evident that the story of The ManEater of Malgudi follows the familiar pattern of a tale from the puranas where a demon, the symbol of evil, gets too powerful, threatens the heaven with his elemental forces of disorder, but finally goes up in the air like a bubble,†¦show more content†¦The tragedy of Vasu does not cause any tears for the simple reason that the novelist has skillfully manipulated. The situation that preceded his death, so much so that even when the mischievous but delightful Vasu kills himself no one feels sad. On the contrary readers of the novel chuckle to find Vasu dead, and Natraj continues to be worried over trifles like and automation while following the dictates of his assistant in the office of the press. The printer assistant Sastri explains the mystery of Vasu’s death. Like this: He had to concentrate all that might for his own destruction. Every demon appears in this world, with a special boon of indestructibility. Yet the universe has survived all the rakshasas that were ever born. Every demon carries within him, unknown to himself, a tiny seed of self destruction and goes up in thin air at the most unexpected moment. Otherwise, what is to happen to humanity? (TMEM 62) Conclusion Narayan always created positive characters, who may at times do bad karmas, but are never wholly evil. His characters usually fall in fair or grey shade, but in the present novel, he has created a pure black persona. Vasu is absolutely devoid of emotions, a vicious man who does not think twice before killing someone. In fact, the title aptly suits the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Who Killed Kennedy Will the Truth Ever be Known Essay
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States, and the public loved him. That is why his assassination was a horrific event. Many people wanted for justice to be served to whoever was responsible for Kennedy’s death, and the US government tried to give the people closure by convicting Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone perpetrator in the assassination. Despite the conviction of Lee Harvey Oswald, there is probable cause to believe that he was not responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The mismanagement of many of the details surrounding the assassination has fueled the belief system that a great conspiracy was involved. According to the Warren Commission report, â€Å"Texas School Book Depository†¦show more content†¦This can cause people to hear or see things that did not happen and thereby making their testimonies invalid. A news reporter from Dallas said, â€Å"I remember interviewing people that said they saw certain thi ngs; some did, some didn’t. Even then there were people making up things.†(Reitzes). The Grassy Knolls theory was not the only conspiracy to be called invalid. Theories that London B Johnson, the military industrial complex, and the mob have also been conspiracies that have been debunked, but there is still one theory out there that may never been proven or disproven (Patterson). The idea that the CIA was somehow involved in JFK’s assassination is an issue that may never be fully uncovered. The mismanagement of the investigation of the case left many holes that may never be filled. In 1963, there were two main rules, or precepts, that applied to criminal investigation. One was that it was very important to secure a crime scene to protect the evidence, and the other was it is standard procedure to document all material items that are in custody and keep them in sealed packaging to avoid contamination (Ling). Those in charge of the Kennedy assassination followed n either of these rules. Out of the witnesses from Dealey Plaza, the police interviewed only one third and many were able to enter and exit the crime scene as they pleased. Even Abraham Zapruder, the man who captured the assassination on film, left the scene without beingShow MoreRelatedA Look into the Assassination of JFK981 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brooklyn, Massachusetts. He was named after his grandfather, John Francis Fitzgerald, who happened to also have a career in politics as the mayor of Boston, Massachusetts. He had 8 siblings, three brothers and five sisters. His parents were Patrick Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy. His early life in Massachusetts helped shape him into one of the greatest presidents America has ever had. Kennedy was an especially bright young man with many talentsRead MoreJ.F.K. Essay1101 Words  | 5 PagesJ.F.K. November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy took a limo ride through Dallas Texas, but this harmless event quickly turned fatal for the young president. The presidents limo turned onto Elm going 25 miles per hour then slowing down to 10 miles per hour to make a sharp turn. The first shot ran out missing the president completely sounding like an echo. Hearing this, Kennedy stops waving and starts to look around. The second shot was then fired sending the bullet into Pres. KennedysRead MoreWho Killed JFK? Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesReview of Research The assassination of John F. Kennedy is said to be, as from the Warren report, a murder. The Warren report states that a man, Lee Harvey Oswald, fired 3 shots from the 6th floor of the Texas Book State Depository building. One missed the President’s motorcade completely; another hit President Kennedy in the neck, and the last hit him in the head, which was later said after an autopsy, to be the cause of death. The problem with the Warren report is that some eyewitnessesRead MoreAlternative Theories to John F. Kennedys Assassination1675 Words  | 7 PagesDallas, Texas, John Kennedy hoped to gain support for the upcoming election. Kennedy, who was accompanied by his wife Jaqueline, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, Senator Ralph Yarborough of Texas, Governor John B. Connally, and Mrs. Connally was riding in an open car in a motorcade driving from Love Field airport to the Dallas Trade Mart (â€Å"Kennedy†). At 12:30 p.m. CST, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot (â€Å"Kennedy†). The fearless John Fitzgerald Jack Kennedy seemed to knowRead MoreOedipus The King By Sophocles1509 Words  | 7 Pagesa language enhanced by distinct and varying beauties; acted no narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions†(Aristotle, 1819, p. VI), (Kennedy Gioia, 2013, p. 945). â€Å"From the thirteenth chapter of the Poetic s we learn that the best sort of tragic hero is a man highly esteemed and prosperous who falls into misfortune because of a tragic flaw in the morality of the character: examples, Oedipus and Thyestes (Dodds, 1966, p. 38).†Aristotle’s definition of a tragicRead MoreThe Assassination Of President Kennedy s Assassination1831 Words  | 8 PagesKennedy’s assassination is one of America’s most fascinating and infamous conspiracies. Though we still do not know who is actually responsible, evidence points towards the communistic Cubans as being the killers of our nation’s young president. Even Lyndon B. Johnson, the President inaugurated after Kennedy’s death said, â€Å"I’ll tell you something about Kennedy’s murder that will rock you†¦Kennedy was trying to get Castro, but Castro got to him first.†President Kennedy’s mysterious assassination can be revealedRead MoreThe Secret Military Installation On The Plan et1663 Words  | 7 Pagesgrudges most certainly end up being revealed in time. Conspiracy on any level seeks to hide actions on the part of individuals who perceive their importance greater than that of others. Historically, conspiracies associated with the United States government cause citizens to question their elected leaders. Broken trust requires many months and years to rebuild, if ever it can be. â€Å"Less than one hundred miles from Las Vegas, Nevada is the most famous secret military installation on the planet†Read MoreThe Many Theories of the JFK Assassination Essay example3041 Words  | 13 PagesThe Many Theories of the JFK Assassination Introduction There are many theories that have been introduced to people surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The assassination of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, occurred on November 22, 1963. Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in the presidential limousine through the streets of Dallas, Texas. The projectile that struck his head shattered the right side of his skull. During an interviewRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s Assassination2651 Words  | 11 Pages1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy s assassination, America stopped and stood still. The 35th president of the United States was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, other conspiracies say that the CIA, Lyndon B. Johnson or the Mafia could have done it too. The Life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917. He was born in Brookline Massachusetts, to Rose and Joseph Kennedy. He was also the grandson of John Francis Fitzgerald, the popular mayor of Boston known as Honey Fitz. At theRead MoreJFK Assasination Conspiracy Theories Essay3168 Words  | 13 Pagestheorists. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th, youngest elected president, was killed that day. Many say Lee Harvey Oswald was the shooter but I think Oswald never even pulled the trigger. Oswald was just an easy mark to pin the crime on, he was set up, most likely by the CIA who he was speculated to be a member of. This topic has long interested me since I was a little kid. I would always ask why our government would lie about how and why JFK was killed, it did not make any sense
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
It530 Free Essays
Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT530 Unit: 5 Points: 120 Copyright Kaplan University Unit 5 Assignment Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Explain flow control and congestion management and their significance to overall network performance Evaluate standard routing techniques and their application to a business’ internet connectivity Recommend a comprehensive security plan Plan and describe methods to secure data including encryption techniques and security protocols Assess LAN communications and management protocols and examine their significance in business environments Course Outcomes: IT530-5: Analyze issues surrounding the connectivity and administration of networks. Assignment Instructions: 1. In recent years, the concept of â€Å"ethical†hacking has grown in importance as more companies consider hiring â€Å"black hat†hackers as security consultants. We will write a custom essay sample on It530 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Research the elements that comprise â€Å"ethical†hacking. In what ways does ethical hacking differ from â€Å"black hat†hacking? Put yourself into the position of a system administrator considering hiring a hacker. How would you ensure that this individual was actually strengthening your company’s network security rather than hacking into your company’s sensitive data? Would you even consider hiring a hacker in the first place? Why or why not? Try to find at least one example of a real world â€Å"ethical†hacker being hired; was it a good or bad decision on the part of the company? 2. Based on your research, write an 8 to 10 page paper that researches the concept of â€Å"ethical†hacking, as well as the ethical dilemmas inherent in hiring a hacker as a security consultant. Preparing your Assignment The written essay/paragraph formatted paper should be 8 – 10 pages long NOT including cover page and references. As you research ethical hacking, ALL of the pages must have citations and references. No more than one direct quotation (of 40 words or more) is allowed per page and bullet lists without substantial narrative included are strongly discouraged. There should be no spelling or grammar errors. All written assignments should be in APA format. APA formatted in-text citations and references are required for all sources, and all figures and tables must be captioned in APA format. If you are unfamiliar with APA formatting, please see the Kaplan Writing Center for more information on how to work with APA. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment: Compose your assignment in a Microsoft Word  ® document and save it as Username-IT530 Assignment – Unit#. doc (Example: TAllen- IT530 Assignment-Unit5. doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5. Assignment Grading Rubric Course: IT530 Unit: 5 Points: 120 Copyright Kaplan University Assignment requirements: All papers must meet these standard requirements: Paper follows APA formatting Length is 8-10 pages long not including references and cover page No more than three bulleted or listed points per paper. No more than one direct quote per page from a reference source and those quotes must be properly cited within the body and in the references at the end of the paper Title page Reference page No spelling errors No grammar errors *2 points will be deducted from grade for each occurrence of not meeting these requirements. Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. Unit 5 Assignment Grading Rubric = 120 points Assignment Requirements Points possible Points earned by student Document includes introductory paragraph discussing the general concepts of ethical hacking as opposed to black hat hacking. 0-30 Document includes well supported argument pro or con for hiring a hacker as security consultant. 0-30 Document includes example of â€Å"real world†hiring of hacker and discusses the outcome. 0-30 Discussion of ethical hacking considerations should be substantial nd flow logically. 0-30 Total (Sum of all points) Less: Standard Requirements points deductedAssignment Grading Rubric Course: IT530 Unit: 5 Points: 120 Copyright Kaplan University Assignment Total For more information and example of APA formatting, see the resources in Doc sharing or visit the KU Writing Center from the KU Homepage. Also review the KU Policy on Plagiarism. This policy will be strictly enforced on all applicable assignments and discussion posts. If you have any questions, please contact your professor. How to cite It530, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Win Aung Essays - Behavior, Abuse, Human Behavior, Persecution
Win Aung Debra WRTG 900 2/25/17 Bullying negative outcomes As a lesson, today, any type of bullying should be taken seriously and acted upon accordingly. Because bullying induces several negative outcomes. Cyber bullying can cause people to feel unhappy. For example, the victim, undesirably, has to go through many negative emotions such as depression, isolation, aggression, and suicidal thoughts. When the victim feels these kinds of emotions, they feel like they don't belong in this world. Therefore, they can commit suicide because they might feel intimidated, afraid someone would treat them different all their lives. In addition, they can often feel the lack of affection, love, the lack of ability to do something, and the lack of friendship. It also has downward side for the people who like to bully: they may end up in a place where they don't see lights, end up in a place where small amounts of food are given, and end up in a place where no privacy is given. Physical bullying can have negative results to both the victim and the victim's family. For example, if the victim commits suicide, the victim's family spends time grieving and regretting of not realizing the situation that caused the loved one to die. Physical bullying can also cause people misery. For instance, in the last few years, a bully stood outside waiting for someone to pick on. Unfortunately, nobody knew why the victim looked sad. At the end of the semester his grade showed up as failing. The victim's family had a hard time communicating with him. One day, as the bully kept on insulting the victim, the victim couldn't take it anymore; he committed suicide. Soon the investigators, found out the cause of the victim's death. The antagonist got arrested. Then soon the bully was in a dark cell. On the victim's family side, things did not end up pretty; the parents have psychological issues and grieve every day. Mental bullying is when someone calls others by names that they don't wish to hear. It can result in violence. For example, there is one kid in Granite Park Jr. High Middle School, in Salt Lake City, UT, who is around fourteen years old, a bully. One day in recess, the bully went up to another kid, a victim. The bully started calling the victim by very offensive names. The way he reacted toward the bully is amazing, the victim just looked up at him and just let it slide. Another day, another time, the bully started calling the victim by names again. The victim this time did not let it slide. Instead he went up to the principal's office, and he described what had happened. The victim thought things would be better. But the victim still saw the bully, the victim heard the bully call the victim by offensive names over and over; Therefore the victim started to act; there was big fight and there was blood everywhere. Clearly, bullying does not result in happiness, and the bully cannot escape what he did. People feel all kinds of emotions, it doesn't help the family, the victim, or the bully. If you are one of these types of people you will not be happy at the end. Why do I say this? Because the family felt miserable, because they couldn't act if they don't realize the circumstances. The victim can end up dead, where is the happiness for him? There is none. The bully can end up in jail for what he did, spending his life in a dark room, with little pieces of food to fill up the stomach. Therefore, any types of bullying should stop.
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