Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway, which took place in the Pacific from June 4-7, 1942, is considered to be the most decisive battle between the American and the Japanese naval forces during the Second World War. The stunning defeat suffered by the Japanese Navy resulted to the loss of four of its large carriers and effectively loosened Japan’s stranglehold over the Pacific region. This development enabled the Allied Forces to seize the initiative in the region (Naval Historical Center 2005).The decision to attack and capture Midway was part of the Japanese campaign in the region which started in December 1941 with the outbreak of the war in the Pacific, the purpose of which was to seize American, British, and Dutch territories located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Naval Historical Center 2005). Japan first surprised the American Fleet which was stationed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Then on December 10, the Japanese forces occupied Guam. Wake was the next to fall, on December 23, 1941. On February 15, 1942, Singapore also fell to Japanese hands ( Then the Japanese also seized Malaysia, the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, and other groups of islands located in the western and central Pacific. It was only the first phase of the Japanese campaign in Asia and the Pacific and it was easily completed without much opposition from the surprised Allies by March 1942 (Naval Historical Center 2005). On January 23, 1942, the second phase of the Japanese campaign was planned by order of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters. Its objective was to effectively isolate India and Australia from the war.For this phase to be completed, the Japanese forces planned to launch offensives aimed at capturing vital bases located in the Solomon Islands and Papua-New Guinea. Their intention was to utilize these bases to support their planned campaign against Samoa, Fiji, and New Caledonia. During the first half of March, after successfully occupying the northern coa st of Papua-New Guinea, the next objective of the Japanese forces was to seize Port Moresby which was nearer Australia, being situated in the southern coast.Their plan was to launch an amphibious assault in order to capture the Port (Naval Historical Center 2005). At the outset, however, phase two of the plan of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters which was to occupy the islands of Fiji and Samoa was opposed by the Commander-in-Chief of Japan’s Combined Fleet, Admiral Yamamoto Isoruku, who believed that the two islands were not strategic enough to merit Japan’s attention and resources. Instead of Samoa and Fiji, Admiral Yamamoto Isoruku wanted to seize the island of Midway located in the Central Pacific.Although the General Staff of the Japanese Armed Forces was inclined to decide in his favor, the plan of attack which was presented by his staff did not prove plausible enough for the General Staff, thereby eliciting objections from some of its members. Because of these objections, Admiral Yamamoto threatened to resign his commission if his plan was not approved (Microworks. net). However, Yamamoto’s plan suddenly became acceptable to the General Staff after the Imperial Japanese Navy, whose primary task was to protect the Home Islands, suffered what was considered to be its most humiliating defeat of the war.The date was April 18, 1942 and the occasion was the attack on several Japanese cities and towns, including Tokyo and Yokosuka, which was carried out by â€Å"eighteen B-25 Mitchell medium bombers†which took off from the U. S. carrier Hornet. Although the bombers, which were commanded by Lt. -Col. James H. Doolittle, were not able to inflict considerable damage, the attack left the Japanese in fear of similar occurrences in the future which might result to the Emperor’s palace being hit.The attack also demoralized the members of the Japanese Armed Forces. Because of this, Admiral Yamamoto’s threat of resignation wa s treated seriously and his plan of attacking Midway was accepted in full by the General Staff (Microworks. net). Admiral Yamamoto’s plan, as presented and approved by the Naval General Staff for implementation on May 5, would involve the whole Combined Fleet. It consisted of â€Å"seven battleships, ten carriers, some two dozen cruisers, and more than seventy destroyers†which, at the time, were distributed among six fleets.According to Yamamoto’s plan, he would lead the â€Å"main body†of the force which would consist of three of Japan’s most powerful battleships: the Nagato, Yamato, and Mutsu. Hosho, a light carrier with eight attack planes on board for anti-submarine duties, would be supporting the three battleships. Several destroyers would serve as a screening force for the â€Å"main body†(Microworks. net). The second element would be the â€Å"Aleutians Strike Force†under Vice-Admiral Hosogaya Moshiro. It was composed of th e light carrier Ryujo and Junyo, a cruise liner which was converted into a carrier.This force, which also included the battleships Hyuga, Yamashiro, Fuso, and Ise, would be protected by a number of destroyers and cruisers. Another element of the Combined Fleet, the Second Fleet, was commanded by Admiral Kondo Nobutake. Aside from the battleships Haruna and Kongo, Admiral Kondo Nobutake, whose primary responsibility was to provide protection for Rear-Admiral Tanaka Raizo’s â€Å"Invasion Force,†also had at his disposal the light carrier Zuiho and a big complement of cruisers and destroyers (Microworks. net).The pride of the Combined Fleet was, however, Vice-Admiral Nagumo Chuichi’s â€Å"First Air Fleet. †According to historians, this fleet was already known to sow fear among the enemy ranks because of its role in the attack of Pearl Harbor and in every major operation since conducted by the Japanese Navy. This imposing force consisted of two heavy cruis ers, two battleships, and a squadron of destroyers (Microworks. net). However, what really made this fleet a force to reckon with were the Japanese Navy’s six heavy carriers, namely: Akagi, Soryu, Kaga, Hiryu, Zuikaku, and Shokaku.For this particular mission, however, the carriers Zuikaky and Shokaku could not participate in the action because of the heavy damage which they suffered during the earlier â€Å"Battle of the Coral Sea†(Geocities. com). The plan called for a diversionary attack against the Dutch Harbor facilities of the United States Navy in the Aleutian Islands so that the American forces, especially their carriers, would be forced to leave the vicinity of Midway in order to defend Alaska.This diversionary attack would be conducted by the â€Å"Aleutians Strike Force†under Vice-Admiral Hosogaya Moshiro. After luring the Americans away, the planes from the carriers of the Combined Fleet would conduct an air strike against the American defenses in M idway. At the same time, the forces of the Combined Fleet would prepare to ambush the American ships once they go back to defend Midway. After sinking the American ships, the Japanese, using their seaplanes, would immediately occupy some parts of Aleutian Islands such as Kiska and Attu, including Kure Island, and Midway itself.Admiral Yamamoto also wanted to decimate the American naval forces by putting in place a submarine cordon near the islands of Hawaii so that a weaker American fleet would make contact with his â€Å"main body. †This plan was approved by the Naval General Staff under the leadership of Admiral Nagano (Microworks. net). Historical observers, however, noted two significant defects in Admiral Yamamoto’s plan. The first defect was his failure to appreciate the true worth of the aircraft carrier in the conduct of naval operations.He did not realize that his carriers could be devastating without getting dangerously near the enemy ships by simply dispatc hing their aircraft complement. Since he was not convinced of the carrier’s importance, Yamamoto considered his battleships to be more valuable than the carriers relegating the latter to a supporting status. In addition, because of the slowness of his big battleships, the other ships which composed the Combined Fleet were forced to keep pace, effectively affecting their maneuverability (History Learning Site 2009).The other, more significant and consequently more fatal, defect of Yamamoto’s plan was the fact that his diversionary attack against the American facilities in the Aleutian islands was bound to fail because the Americans were already aware of it and in fact, knew that his real objective was Midway. Because of this knowledge, American ships were not lured to the defense of Alaska and instead waited to ambush Admiral Yamamoto’s fleet (History Learning Site 2009).The Americans knew of Yamamoto’s plan to attack Midway through two naval intelligence stations. One was operating out of Melbourne, Australia while the other was based at Pearl Harbor. These intelligence facilities were able to intercept radio communications which helped them not only to pinpoint the locations of the major fleets of the Japanese navy but also to study their operational patterns. Based on these, the Americans were able to predict the future operations of the Japanese forces (Naval Historical Center 2005).As early as May 25, the Americans were already aware of Yamamoto’s intentions and prepared accordingly. Their three carriers which were at sea at the time were immediately ordered to return to Pearl Harbor. The carriers USS Hornet and USS Enterprise which comprised Task Force 16 (TF 16) arrived on May 26. USS Enterprise of Task Force 17, on the other hand, came back on May 27. However, since it suffered major damage during the â€Å"Battle of the Coral Sea,†USS Yorktown had to undergo urgent repair to prepare it for another battle.The r epair that was supposed to be completed in three months was rushed in only three days to enable the carrier to participate in the â€Å"Battle of Midway†(Geocities. com). Meanwhile, over in Midway, the Americans scrambled to strengthen their defenses. Six brand-new â€Å"Avenger†torpedo planes which missed their mother carrier (USS Hornet) were deployed to Midway. Then seven F4F-3 and another twenty F2A-3 Marine fighter planes were also added to Midway defense, in addition to 27 dive-bombers, 23 army bomber planes, and 32 reconnaissance planes ( On May 29, TF 16 under the overall command of Rear Admiral Raymond Spruance sailed out of Pearl Harbor to prepare for the battle. It was composed of the carriers Enterprise and Hornet, with a screening force composed of four heavy cruisers (Minneapolis, Pensacola, New Orleans, and Northampton), two light cruisers (Vincennes and Atlanta), and a total of nine destroyers. On the other hand, TF 17, which was under the command of Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, was not able to sail until after the completion of the repair of USS Yorktown on May 30.The screening force of TF 17 was composed of Portland, which was a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser (Astoria), and six destroyers. The mission of TFs 16 and 17 was to lie in wait for the Japanese naval fleet (Geocities. com). The diversionary attack on Dutch Harbor was launched by the â€Å"Aleutians Strike Force†under Vice-Admiral Hosogaya Moshiro at 0243 hours on June 3. The attacking force consisted of a total of 35 planes: twelve dive-bombers and six Zero fighter planes from the light carrier Junyo and eleven torpedo bombers and six Zero fighters from the light carrier Ryujo.Although the Americans defended with heavy anti-aircraft fire, the Japanese attackers were able to kill more than twenty American sailors and soldiers in the course of shooting up their army barracks, a radio station, and a tank farm. The â€Å"Aleutians Strike Force,â₠¬ however, did not succeed in its actual mission which was to lure the American naval forces present in the area away from Midway. What happened was that one Zero fighter plane which made an emergency landing was later recovered by Americans who later discovered the one weakness of the plane: â€Å"a very light armor protection.†This weakness was later exploited by the Americans to defeat the Zeros which earlier terrorized the skies over the Pacific (Geocities. com). Meanwhile, the attack on Midway took place early morning of June 4 – the first day of the Battle of Midway. A total of 108 planes took part in the first attack. Thirty-six were fighter planes (nine each from the four carriers) while the remaining 72 were bombers. The other Japanese bombers were kept in reserve in the four carriers just in case a second attack would be needed or if American ships showed up.While the attack on Midway was ongoing, the Japanese fleet also dispatched three reconnaissance pla nes to search around in case American naval fleets showed up to intervene. At almost the same time, the American defenders in Midway launched six â€Å"Wildcat†fighters to patrol the skies and 11 reconnaissance planes to search for the Japanese fleet. Two of the reconnaissance planes of the Americans spotted the Japanese fleet at around 0530 hours and 0552 hours, respectively. By 0600 hours, Midway dispatched all of its bombers to launch an attack against the Japanese carriers.The Americans, however, were almost annihilated by the anti-aircraft guns of the carriers and the more superior Zero fighters of the Japanese (Geocities. com). In the end, the Americans were aided by their more superior intelligence. While the Japanese reconnaissance planes finally spotted the American fleet, they were not able to identify the kinds of ships composing the American fleet. In other words, the Japanese commanders did not know whether carriers were part of them. In contrast, the Americans knew with certainty that the four heavy carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy were in the Japanese fleet.In the final analysis, the defeat of the Japanese came as a result of their indecision whether to arm their planes with bombs for the Midway attack or torpedoes needed to attack the American ships, especially their carriers (Geocities. com). In the absence of an intelligence regarding the composition of the American fleet, Vice-Admiral Nagumo Chuichi, the commander of the â€Å"First Air Fleet,†decided to load his planes with bombs so that the second attack on Midway could be launched. He thought that if the American fleet did not have any carrier with it, the attack on Midway should take precedence.When the report from their reconnaissance planes came in at 0820 hour stating that the American fleet included a carrier, Vice-Admiral Nagumo Chuichi changed his decision and ordered that the bombs be replaced with torpedoes so that an attack against the American fleet could be launched. Unfortunately, he could not immediately dispatch his planes because he still had to wait for the planes from the Midway attack to return safely to the carriers, otherwise all the returning planes would have to ditch because they could not land on the carriers.This moment of confusion left the Japanese fleet without any aerial defense and allowed the Americans to attack the Japanese carriers. In the end, all four heavy carriers of the Japanese were sunk, while the Americans lost only USS Yorktown. The Japanese never recovered from their loss in the Battle of Midway after which, they lost the supremacy that they were enjoying in the Pacific and ultimately lost the Pacific War (Geocities. com). Bibliography Geocities. com. â€Å"The Battle of Midway. †http://www.geocities. com/Athens/Rhodes/8384/midway. html (accessed April 15, 2009). Microworks. net. â€Å"Stopping the Tide: The Battle of Midway, 4-6 June 1942. †http://www. microworks. net/PACIFIC/battles/ midway. htm (accessed April 15, 2009). Naval Historical Center. 2005. â€Å"Battle of Midway: 4-7 June 1942. †http://www. history. navy. mil/faqs/faq81-1. htm (accessed April 15, 2009). Trueman, Chris. 2009. â€Å"Battle of Midway. †http://www. historylearningsite. co. uk/battle_of_midway. htm (accessed April 15, 2009).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Railroad history Essay
The reasons why Villard failed to build a profitable railroad was that he never bothered to study much about railroads so he made many mistakes such as, he rushed to the wilderness to collect his subsidies he thought that by building the rail on an area with a beautiful view he would attract tourism in the area and so they would pay handsomely to tour, so he chose to build in the northwest because of its beauty. This increased the cost of building the railroad because he had to increase the bends, the steepness and the length of the railroad to be able to take in the rocky Mountain View. Villard also did create in areas around the hot springs in broad water county, Montana and at Bozeman costly health spas. This and more expensive buildings and structures made Villard go broke because the tourist opted to visit else where. Though the federal aid and foreign investors had given Villard some space for mistakes he made way too many. He was so eager to rush to the coast that he built when the cost of materials and construction in whole was very stiff. High cost amounts to high rates and this hindered the tourists from traveling through the NP. Railroad acted as an alternative mode of transport which farmers used to travel from rural areas to the urban market whenever they had need, they also used the railroad to transport their produce thus interacting with people from other parts of the country. As the railroad changed people’s experiences, it also changed the time concepts. If a person wanted to travel from point A to point B it became more faster than pre railroad days where one had to use horses on bad road, board a steamboat, Railroads decreased the cost of distance and increased the value of time.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Alcoholic Anonymous
Alcoholic Anonymous has the implication of a fellowship whose membership is composed of both men as well as women sharing a common experience, their potential strength as well as hope amongst themselves, in an anticipation of resolving a problem of recovery or retreat from alcoholism to which they are addicted. To fulfill the requirements for membership into the group, no financial contribution is required since the group is self supporting and sustained through the contributions that they make amongst themselves. The only requirement of a potential member is a history of addiction to alcohol and a strong desire to quit the drinking habit. The fellowship is not part of a particular sect, political group, institution, sect or any organization and avoids any form of involvement in controversial issues as well as the expression of the endorsement or the opposition of any cause. The main objective underlying the existence of the group is to lead a life of soberness as well as making efforts of assistance to other alcoholics interested in a life of soberness (Allen, 2000). It was not until I visited the meeting organized by AA that I discovered the potentials underlying our ability to quit alcoholism. By visiting club 24 which accommodates around 400 members with sits arranged strategically to face the story teller, the first sign of welcome is coffee as well as several other snacks meant for self service, as one reads the posters displayed on the wall advocating against smoking, vanity language as well as a highlight of the 12 steps that are essential to follow in the process of quitting alcoholism. The atmosphere outside is even more encouraging to meet the purposes of the meeting since there is a presence of a residential house for a family, a shopping centre, a school of an elementary level beautiful streets with buses of MBTA in operation, all serving the purpose of planting a negative altitude towards drinking especially after attending the meeting, since there is no bar around Initially there is a sense of nervousness anxiety and lack of confidence as one thinks that the alcoholic weaknesses inherent in a new member are noticeable, but with the progress in the meeting a sense of self confidence is cultivated. The entire group is very cohesive and ready to cooperate in sharing ideas about past experience in alcoholism. From the knowledge gained, redemption from alcoholism requires psychological curative measures. Most of the members had dented faces that indicate the agony underwent in their previous drinking habits to which they regret. In the group every member is a contributor of ideas and there is no bigger person than the other. For the purpose of comprehensive circulation of ideas members are organized in subgroups whose contribution is later shared among the entire group. The group meetings usually precede the entire meeting by the whole group.            The highly noticeable issues in the meeting were the effects of alcoholism addiction including depression , degradation of the self worth of the individual, thinking as well as attempting to commit suicide interdiction from the workplace leading to a breakdown of the family loss of family members through road accidents resulting from drunk driving, incidences of divorce as well as custodial sentences due to acts committed under the influence of alcohol, among many other undesirable actions as well as incidences. The importance of the existence of the fellowship and the main of the meetings that are held is for the purposes of ending the stigma that an individual is a real alcoholic and the mental as well as the body resemblance to other individuals. This situation is the basis of a drinking career bearing the characteristics of countless attempts but all in vain aimed at the justification of our potential drinking ability that is similar to that of others. For each existing abnormal drinker, there exists a great obsession idea about a day in the future that a control of the drinking habit will be achieved to the capacity of enjoying drinking (Johnson Chappel, 2004).  The meetings are responsible for the full concession of the fact of alcoholism as well as addiction to the deepest self of the individual as an important and primary step towards the process of recovery. At the same time the individual learns about the difference that is in existence in relation to other people. All the alcoholics, both men as well as women usually their potential ability for the control of the drinking behavior and majority of the real alcoholics seldom recover the actual control. The alcoholics at times develop a feeling that recovery is on their way, and a sense of control has been regained. However this situation are usually brief intervals that are latter followed by much less degree of control, a situation that makes the individual to express a sense of pity upon oneself as well as being demoralized to an incomprehensible degree. This leads to the notion that alcoholism status may progressively lead to the illness of the individual. The situation progresses towards the worse and never retreats to better (Bell, Montoya Dayton, 2006). Alcoholics resembles men whose legs have been chopped of which regrowth is an impossibility, just as a particular kind of treatment is never forthcoming. The experimental treatment though to reverse alcoholics and make them resemble the ordinally man with regard to the available approaches have not been fruitful. Some of the remedies that are imagined to work has brought temporary recovery that is later overtaken by a worse relapse. It is the belief of the expert physicians that the addicted alcoholics cannot find a way out of the addiction irrespective of whatever kind of a physical treatment. It is only science that is thought to posses the potential for this liberation although no step has so far been made towards the achievement of the objective (Johnson Chappel, 2004). The unfortunate thing about the deep alcoholics is their tendency to deny that they are actually deeply sunk in this class, and only makes the efforts of exempting themselves through self deception as well as experimentation and therefore labeling themselves non- alcoholic. If for heavenly sake an addicted alcoholic can adopt the right way of drinking in a gentleman way, the blame would be off the individual. For the purpose of the redemption from alcoholism, addicted alcoholics experiment on a variety of techniques. The commonly practiced ones include; drinking one brand of beer only, consumption of limited amount of drink, drinking in a company, avoiding early drinking, restricting drinking at home, absence of a drink inside the house, abstinence of drinking during the hours of active business, drinking only for the reason of an occasion, consumption of natural wine only, among so many others Conclusion It was evident from the facts arising in the meeting that majority of the alcoholics have suffers depression leading to attempts of suicide. Others had to use other drugs such as cocaine while others financed heavily some programs aimed at redemption from addiction. The successful redemption from this condition is a result of self worth as well as self esteem the contribution of AA is of immense to the society for its role in the act of cleansing the people who have lost they worth and esteem, a condition that may lead to the death of the individual. The families that were torn apart due to alcoholism cherish the contribution of AA for the restoration of glory in their homes. The contribution of AA reveals the medical as well as the non medical cure for alcoholism. References Allen, J. P. (2000). Measurement of the treatment process in Alcoholics            Anonymous.  Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press. Bell, C., Montoya, I. D., Dayton, C. A. (2006). The motivation towards treatment      of drug abuse. CA: Mt. View Press. Johnson, N. P., Chappel, J. N. (2004). Using Alcoholic Anonymous more        effectively. New York: Prager Publishers
Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China Assignment
Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China - Assignment Example Mao Zedong is the leader who led to the significant drawback. Mao did not support the learning process because he believed that the process was tedious for the children and the students needed the first hand experience in agriculture. The ideology of Mao Zedong was based on the principle of simplicity. The country experienced significant problems with the approach developed by Mao Zedong. The drought experienced at the end of the period led to serious catastrophe. The impact of the cultural revolution by Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution took place from 1966 to 1976 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The goal of Mao was to establish a more effective bureaucracy. Mao employed the young people to spread the idea of socialism around china. The impact of the Cultural Revolution was so adverse that it affected the industrialization of the country. It had a negative impact on the people and the economy a major drawback affecting even the foreign countries. The Cultural Revolution was based o n the concept that the schools did not offer proper learning because of the complexity. The complexity was the major issue the group highlighted in the education system (McCarty 67). Mao’s plan was to brainwash the Chinese citizens in order for them to uneducated and mindless. During the Cultural Revolution May Chinese students were not able to study because they were forced to farm and do manual labor. The values of the Cultural Revolution were taught in schools because it was a requirement of the government. Additionally, during 1966 and 1967, the students were required to complete a course covering the ideals of the Cultural Revolution in order to graduate. The process blocked many students making the completion of the school impossible and increased school drop outs. Over four million high school and college graduates were sent to farm land where they ended up being working in the farms instead of industries. The success of the move was evident because many talented stude nts were wasted by sticking and working in the fields. The ten years of Mao Zedong leadership brought with it significant challenges and affected the economy of china by changing the educational system. The impact of the change was handled for very many years later (McCarty 89). Mao’s philosophy led to adverse problems in all the sectors of the economy leading to serious problems. The industrialization era was postponed to after the end of the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, the country's industrialization was postponed until 1970s. The industrialization of china occurred later on compared to the western world. Industrialization and the Chinese culture Industrialization affected the Chinese culture significantly. The major change occurred in the social values of the community. The industrial revolution brought with it the several challenges including the creation of a great divide in the classes and class warfare. The new culture created the rich in the society with their foc us being on the acquisition of wealth and greed. The poverty gap increased after the end of the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution helped in creating a balance between the rich and the poor through the use of equity. The change from the agrarian revolution came to an end with the start of the industrial revolution with the Chinese citizen. The citizens were forced to take up jobs in the companies with the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Supply Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supply Management - Essay Example Further, tendering is an intense process where the government advertises the specific areas that would require procuring. Through bidding, the lowest bidder receives the contract to do supplying for a specified period of time. Therefore, all supplies receive equal treatment in terms of information access, enquiries on specifications, and lastly the responding time to participate in the bidding. However, the winner of the bid also receives further scrutiny to determine whether they are the responsible and responsive lowest bidder that submitted the bid. They have to prove that they are responsive in relation to effective answering to the questions that the issues of the bid may have. In addition, their responsive nature also applies in their ability to provide samples in good time as per the request of the bid issuer. On the other hand, the winning supplier also becomes responsible because of passing the integrity and desirable background test (UN HABITAT, 2003). In contrast, the priv ate sector operates differently as it uses sample views, interviews with potential suppliers, physical visits to the private site, and using their reference and their credit review. On the contrary, the private contract investigative agencies where the provision of information is on a confidential basis. In the public sector procurement, the process becomes flawed if the responses received are not clear enough meaning that there none qualifies to receive the tenders on offer .sequentially, the awarding of tenders experiences delay and may start all again till the suppliers comply with the set requirements. This translates to time wastage hence making the suppliers despair and losing trust in the process. In essence, this serves as one of the outcomes of an ineffective supply and management process by creating sour relations between the two parties. In addition, there exists a substantial difference between the procurement departments in both the public and private sectors in referen ce to the work force and performance. The latter invests in the workforce by ensuring that there exists competence in task execution, which may not be the situation for the former. For the public sector, it is vital for them to cut on costs rather than accessing quality, which is quite different from the private sectors view. Therefore, the supplier satisfaction in the private sector deems fit as compared to that of the government purchasing and supplies management. Levels of buyer and seller relationships Over the years, buyer and supplier relationship has been on a transformative path to make transactions between relative easy and effective. Ideally, the relationship between the two had an inclination on reactive and mechanized procurement, which later changed to proactive purchasing. In essence, the reactive form of purchasing implied that one party’s gain would be the others loss. Later, the transformation process brought partnership between the two where there would be e qual benefits. Subsequently, there are three levels of buyer and seller relationships that are the adversarial, barometric and complementary relationships. Ideally, the adversarial relationship has the buyer benefiting more than the seller as they tend to push for more discounts at the peril of supplier (Moser, 2006). Therefore, the focus is solely on accessing lower cost for the buyers desired items of choice hence making
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Antoines' Mezzetin and Carvaggio's Luteplayer Essay
Antoines' Mezzetin and Carvaggio's Luteplayer - Essay Example The essay "Antoines' Mezzetin and Carvaggio's Luteplayer" compares two painting, Mezzetin and the Lute player. Lute player painting is mainly extended loan to the underlying Metropolitan Museum of the Art from the private gathering. It possesses two pictures that mainly depict soft facial features and corresponding unusually pensive expression beneath sharply drawn broad. Lute player painting utilizes distinctive classical forms, which are used in books, valuable objects and oil painting and mainly characterized by soft colors and corresponding curvy lines. It mainly signifies scenes of adoration, nature, affectionate events, light-hearted theatre and youth. Antoines' Mezzetin mainly possess doctrines of classical antiquity of the middle Ages handed down to the early modern artist, musicians and writers placed music and love within a venerable and inextricable of the sensual bond. The underlying nuances of music mainly represent sensation and emotion that is erotic embodiment and sen sory signifier of the spiritual and corresponding provisional attunement. The sounding note of the Antoines' Mezzetin possess striking chord of an auditory summons to love, sacred and pleasures. Conversely, Lute player mezzetin’s passion is played out on the strings, seeking musical harmony not only in the music within the discordant soul. Mezzetin does not perform onstage and alone in his personal despair as he plaintively strums his instrument with languish and longing. The works of Watteau offers a close analysis.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Innovation, Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Innovation, Technology - Essay Example The objective of this paper is to determine whether technology significantly impacts the core strategies and organization of companies to the extent that it should be considered as the primary means of initiating innovation or development. For the purpose of this study, The validity of the statement will consider in both public as well private enterprises from small to large scale. In the course of the discussion, the research will also determine effective applications of technology, how it is changing markets and industries and the developing challenges for companies with its utilization. The application of technology necessitates a study of the relationship of productivity and technology. The debate on whether productivity paradoxes really do exist has become an issue for analysts and managers once more with the shift towards digitization. Consider the implications of the productivity paradox or the Solow computer paradox that Robert Solow theorized in response to the mechanization of clerical work. According to Solow that, "You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics," (Greenan et al, 2002, p. 42). The productivity paradox implies that as technology is introduced to a system, in particular information technology, work productivity decreases (McGovern, 2001). If the paradox is to be accepted as true, then technology contravenes productive strategies. However, Dusharme (2001) points out that these impacts are part of the process of adaptation, similar to competency development learning curves. Furthermore, Suter (2007) points out that many companies have considered alternatives to techno-based strategies because of the cost of implementation as well as discrepancies in information literacy in international markets. In Tubbs and Schulz (2006) study, he concluded that lags in productivity in technology-related initiatives can be attributed to the lack of channels where the technology can be learned or used. Explanations for the decline in productivity pointed out the need for technology to be prevalent before it impacts productivity significantly. Thus, later adaptation to technology creates less vulnerability to productivity paradoxes: the implication is that later access to emerging technologies, with the assumption that there has bee growth in software and applications available, is a more viable choice to ensure productivity. Technology and Business Operations According to there should be a realization that the technology is a tool and the degree of its impact is dependent on other strategies (Womack et al, 1991). The bulk of technology adaptations and strategies have focused on information and communications technologies. Among the benefits that have been seen is the increase in communication and networking capacity technology provides (Insinga & Werle, 2000). For example, the utilization of VOIP (voice over internet protocol) operations has become critical in the management or trafficking PSTN calls locally and internationally as well as mobile communications; IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS) are providing platforms for the incorporation of internet technologies with business operations; as well facilitated the actual interface of VOIP infrastructure with PSTN; and the rise of network societies, referring to online communities and feedback systems,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Managment class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managment class - Essay Example The most prominent scenes where the episodes when the colonel Nicholson was ready to die and scarify the lives of the British officers to state his position about Geneva Convention, article 27 which stated that the officers shall not be forced to work. Even after his has been sent to the punishment cell, the colonel Nicholson was sure that only one person can win and he should not go for comprise even though the officers and soldiers would have better conditions. The colonel Saito has managed to avoid a conflict when the colonel Nicholson offered a new plan of the bridge construction. By saying that the commands have been already given in response to Nicholson’s’ new plan, Saito has shown an intention to â€Å"ignore a conflict†(219). The first bit of this stage took place when the colonel Saito invited Nicholson for a dinner in order to negotiate the way of cooperation so that he could achieve the goal set. This stage implies that â€Å"there is no clear winner or loser†(219). When both colonels understood that building of the bridge did have certain benefits to both parties, they have accepted the solution that â€Å"provided incomplete satisfaction of both parties’ concerns†(219). Both parties have lost something: the colonel Nicolson – his ideology and officer’s duty, where the colonel Seito – his leadership, authority, and control over the bridge construction process. Collaborating stage took place on the moment when construction of the bridge was over and the colonel Nicholson has found a mine around the bridge. Both parties where interested in the final result – railroad path through the bridge as lots of efforts have been put to achieve this goal. Both Nicholson and Seito went together down to the river to find the problem and secure the bridge. Based on the film scenes it is possible to state that both leaders Saito and Nicholson have absolutely different
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Revolt of the City by Samuel Lubell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Revolt of the City by Samuel Lubell - Essay Example In the third chapter of the book, â€Å"the revolt of the city†, the author describes the revolution that takes place in the event following up to the elections and the even after it. Samuel Lubell says that in the political America of today a two-party system is considered as the pioneer of the prevalent alternating one-party rule. He says that there is a "sun" party denoting the majority party and a "moon" party denoting the minority party. He describes that these majority parties is responsible for dealing the issues of any particular period and fights over it. The world saw that in the 1980s, Republicans ceased the entrepreneurial energies and the democrats did not and so the cold war was ended. This can be denoted as the republican’s â€Å"sun†period. These days the Democrats are on the rise and dominate the system by taking over the economic and the health care issues. The human’s belief proves that humans are most irrational and puzzling ways that the human mind works. Lubell was a sociologist as well. The elections proved the democratic incompetent Harry Truman to be the better man. Even though his ratings had to gone down to 23 percent before the elections but he still won. Every person, every poll, every survey and every pundit predicted the democrat to be solely defeated by the republican Thomas E. Dewey. But, instead the democrat, Harry Truman, won in history’s most startling turn of events in the elections of the 1948. Everyone was so stunned with the outcome that the republicans gasped with shock. Lubell set out to determine the cause of such a turn of tables. This defeat set the entire place on fire and the people on edge. People set out to revolt and a revolution turned up. Lubell went around the country, through a small Midwestern town to Washington dc. The mid2western town was founded at the start of 19th century by the Germans; Lubell was very much amazed to find out that this town had supported Dewey throu gh and through, even though everyone knew that Truman would have been a very logical economic decision for the town’s people. The town’s people said that they had never forgotten the democrat, President Woodrow Wilson, who dominated in 1917. He had declared war on Germans. As the town was full of Germans, so they had not forgiven him. Because of this war, the entire country was full of anti-German feelings and deeply despised that town’s people. And they had been greatly dishonored and mistrusted by everyone. So even after two World Wars, they had not forgotten the democrat president and like natural human behavior were not thinking logically or rationally about the economics of themselves. Samuel Lubell says in his book that â€Å"Whenever a new majority coalition comes into dominance, as the Democrats in toppling the old Republican ascendancy, it brings with it a distinctively different orbit of political conflict. This orbit also governs the movement of stru ggle within the minority party.†Although Lubell wrote this book in the 1951, but the theories of this book are still alive and fresh today. Lubell wrote both profoundly simple politics and simply profound politics. What his book reveals his that, when a political party has had a history of events strung along it just for the sake of victories, and so is presented as the majority party or the â€Å"sunâ€
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Empire of Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Empire of Capitalism - Essay Example French and German capitalism developed in a different way to the (more advanced) British form. When industrialization occurred in Britain it was driven by the need for technology to support farming. In France and Germany, however, it developed because they had a number of rivalries with other countries and so needed armies to support their place in the world. It was only after the defeat of Napoleon, and the loss of the protection guaranteed by having a large empire, that the economic competition from Britain began to be felt in France. France did not respond by copying the way Britain had developed, nor did they challenge Britain's better economic position in the world. Military needs continued to be the main reason why there was more industrialization in the nineteenth century, and the technological advances this brought gave France a head start in technological industries. The tradition of the government running industries in France also helped encourage industrial development, as well as laying the foundations of the quality of France's current public services - health, welfare, etc. State-led and military based economic development was even more marked in Germany. Before the nineteenth century Germany was many different countries. ... late nineteenth century there was a rapid period of economic development under Bismark (who was the German chancellor), and this quick growth was due in the main to military requirements (Bismark needed to fight wars). This is in sharp contrast to Britain's economic development, they made things for the non-military market. Germany's economy developed due to the government spending money on military goods. The Classic Age of Imperialism British capitalism meant that other countries had to become capitalist to compete with them. But this did not stop wars; the nineteenth century was the age at which colonial imperialism (the taking of other countries by force) was at its height. Marxist colonial theories of the time reflected this fact: Marx himself was interested in most mature system of capitalism - Britain. He saw Britain as a capitalist country in a world of largely non-captialist countries. Proceeding Marxist theorists of the twentieth century ("from Lenin to Mao"2) worked within systems that were either only partly capitalist or not capitalist at all. Marxist theories of imperialism likewise shifted their focus from the internal operations within capitalist countries to their exterior relations with the non-capitalist world. They thought that capitalism would end because capitalist countries would destroy themselves in wars over colonies. But such rivalries required a non-capitalistic world (i.e. Countries that could become colonies) to fight over. Rosa Luxemburg explicitly states that capitalism, despite wanting to take oer the world, requires "other economic systems as a medium and soil."3 In these theories, then, capitalism needs non-capitalism. The world of 'classical imperialism' (in which Europe and Northern American were made up of competing armies
Social Evils Essay Example for Free
Social Evils Essay Social Evils, as the name suggests means the presence of something or some deeds existing in society which are not acceptable at all. As we know that every society or community across the seven seas has its pros and cons. Therefore, it would be incorrect to perceive that the world is picture perfect. It is a fact Universally acknowledged that no society is free or spared from the presence of Social Evils. These evils manifest themselves in so many ways that a rational human being is perplexed to discover its existence in various forms. Each society comprises of both moral and immoral people. Thereby, we can witness the contamination of the society that vanishes its goodness. It also pertains to the fact that the innocent and moral people are adversely affected as they become the target of suffering and agony. The absence of goodness and nobility in a society gives birth to Social Evils and they pave a way for themselves by overshadowing the minds of people. In the present era, the Social Evils are spreading as fast as fire. It is a renowned phrase that: A filthy fish can contaminate the entire pond. Thus, this proverb aptly suites the modern times. We cannot negate the fact that Social Evils have been present eversince Man has started to exist in groups. Man, who is ironically the higher creation has degenerated himself to such an extent that the entire surrounding in which he lives tends to have a negative impact as well. A man is judged according to his actions. Any conscious person with a sound moral sense is able to notice the vivid deterioration of his or her society. Whether we believe it or not, Social Evils are present around everybody but it is the individuals own choice either to adopt them or to reject and protest against them inorder to create a peaceful and harmonious environment in the society. Each person is nevertheless, aware of the presence of Social Evils and considers them as bad, wrong and unacceptable. Yet, they still follow them despite being conscious of their consequences. However, the question is that what causes their occurance and existence? Social Evils project chaos in the society and so their real causes must be determined.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Evening MBA and Online MBA Essay Example for Free
Evening MBA and Online MBA Essay During my undergraduate studies and my work experiences, I have achieved a number of significant accomplishments that have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA. As part of my undergraduate studies, I did an internship at Stora Enso’s Wisconsin Rapids paper mill. My capstone project at the mill involved designing and installing an operator information display, which required me to utilize the services of an interdisciplinary team. For my senior project during my undergraduate studies, I was part of the engineering enterprise team, which expanded my knowledge on business and product development. After graduating college, I joined the United States Air Force, which provided me with a wealth of leadership opportunities. I have held several leadership roles both at the Air Force and afterwards in civilian jobs. While in the Air Force, I was given the opportunity to be the squadron physical fitness leader. I was responsible for the physical training of 200+ personnel and their tests. As part of this duty, I designed a special training program for personnel that were not successful with their tests. As such, I was able to effectively and successfully train staff using the training program I had developed. My superiors at the Air Force were instrumental in mentoring my development and leadership skills, and provided me with the opportunities to lead various projects. These experiences pushed me to improve my supervisor abilities. With this knowledge, I have had great success leading small teams of enlisted personnel in various projects and roles. After separating from the Air Force, I transitioned to the civilian world to further develop and strengthen my skill set. During that time I worked for Dynetics and developed test plans for a variety of military projects. Following development, I would lead a small team to run the tests and write up the findings. This experience improved my technical writing and detailed planning skills. Following a move to Phoenix, I accepted a position with General Dynamics. I was involved in supporting different functional areas such as test and development, while at the same time I expanded my knowledge of program management. I am confident that with my academic potential, team-working abilities, innovative spirit, and leadership skills, I will add significant value to the W.P. Carey MBA program. Essay Question #2 How will the W. P. Carey MBA help you achieve your personal and professional goals? Please reference any area of emphasis you plan to pursue and discuss your career goals after the MBA program. During my time in college, I did an internship at a large paper mill. Observing various roles in the company I realized my ideal position required getting a MBA. By the time I graduated from college, I already had some experience in company management through our schools engineering enterprise program. With seven years of experience now, I have gained expertise in technology and leadership. However, my experience has been limited to operating as a team member in an established organization. Now I would like to understand industry from the viewpoint of a project manager. I want to learn how to manage a technical program from conception to implementation. A MBA will provide me these skills through learning modules, case studies, and projects with fellow students and interactions with peers from assorted professional backgrounds. During my MBA studies, I plan on taking the supply chain management area of emphasis. The ability to understand how the pieces integrate into the whole, combined with my pre-MBA experiences, will set me up to be able to excel in roles as the project manager or team lead. To reach my career goals, I need time-proven business knowledge and practical exposure to all areas of business disciplines, such as management fundamentals, marketing, operations, and most importantly, supply chain management that will complement my engineering experience. The W.P. Carey MBA program is my top choice because of its top-ranked Department of Supply Chain Management. Whereas the core courses will give me a good groundwork of business fundamentals, courses such as â€Å"Management of Technology/Innovation and â€Å"Project Management are in my area of interest. W.P. Carey will provide me with the academic foundation and network that I need to realize my career ambitions. I am positive that with my academic potential, group skills, and leadership potential, I will add significant value to any employer. Essay Question #3 Please address any weaknesses in your W. P. Carey MBA application or provide additional information you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. Concerns to be addressed may include past academic performance or GPA, work experience and/or GMAT scores. The biggest weakness on my MBA application is my college GPA. When I was an undergraduate student I did not fully appreciate the work level that was required to truly excel in my studies at Michigan Technological University. However, if you take a closer look at my GPA throughout my undergraduate years of study, you can see that that there is progressive improvement from the beginning of the year as I got acclimated. Moreover, there is also a positive trend in my grades from my third year of studies up to graduation. There were two main reasons for this shift in my grades; firstly the classes became more focused and specific, which allowed me to excel in these courses, and secondly, I matured during my course of studies. The improvement in my studies was reflective of the successful completion of the engineer-in-training exam, which was obtained at the end of my undergraduate degree. Even though I vastly improved during my undergraduate program of study, I realized that my GPA would continue to be a deterrent for my future goals. To acquire the necessary discipline and expand my skills and knowledge, I joined the United States Air Force. Upon joining the Air Force, I went to Officer Training School, and learning from my previous mistakes at college, worked exceptionally hard. As such, I excelled and graduated Officer Training School in the top ten percent of my class, earning several honors along the way. My time in the United States Air Force was instrumental in expanding my skills in leadership, self-discipline and planning while implementing the knowledge I had gained as part of my undergraduate study. After the Air Force I worked in several challenging jobs, where I was responsible overseeing multiple projects and personnel. I have excelled in every project I have worked on, and my attitude is vastly different to how it was back in the early years of my degree. My college and work experiences have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA. Likewise, my GMAT scores demonstrate my future academic potential should this application be viewed favorably.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Definition of SETS, Union, Intersection and Complement
Definition of SETS, Union, Intersection and Complement Benjamin Quarshie Section A Assignment Information Set Theory Explain the following terms: Â Â SETS The word set is generally associated with the idea of grouping objects, such as a set of records, books, crop plants and other words such as herd, herd, herd, plots, peasantry, family, etc. Saying the word set denotes a collection of elements clearly between them, which keep some characteristic in common. Be it numbers, people, figures, ideas and concepts. In math, the concept of a set is considered primitive and does not give a definition of it, but rather works with the notation of collection and grouping of objects, so it may be said that the ideas of element and belonging are considered primitive. The essential characteristic of a set is to be well defined, i.e. given a particular object, to determine whether or not it belongs to the set. For example, if we consider the set of digit numbers, we know that 3 belong to the set, but 19 do not. On the other hand the set of beautiful musical works is not a well defined set, since different people can include different works in the set. Objects that form a set are called members or elements. For example the set of letters of alphabet; A b c x, y, z which can be written like this: Example of two sets, A and B: UNION The union of sets corresponds to the unification of the elements of two conjuncts or even more sets, which may from this constitute a new form of set, in which the elements within it correspond to the elements of the original sets. When an element is repeated, it forms part of the union set once only; This differs from the union of sets in the traditional conception of addition, in which common elements are considered as many times as they are in the totality of sets. We can say that the union of sets is a binary operation (that mathematical operation, which requires the operator and two arguments to be able to calculate a value) in the set of all subsets of a U, Universal Set consisting of all elements of the reference theme) given. By which each pair of sets A and B of U is associated with another set (A U B) of U. If A and B are two sets, the union is defined as follows: INTERSECTION The Intersection of two or more sets is the set formed by the elements that have in common both sets. The intersection of A and B is denoted. In diagrams all the elements in their respective sets are first represented and then the zone belonging to both sets is coloured. COMPLEMENT The complement of a complementary set or set is another set that contains all elements that are not in the original set. In order to define it, it is necessary to specify what type of elements are being used, or otherwise, what the universal set is. For example, if one speaks of natural numbers, the complement of the set of prime numbers P is the set of non-prime numbers C, which is composed of the compound numbers and the 1: UNIVERSAL SET This is called the set that contains all the elements. This set depends on the problem being studied, is a set whose object of study are the subsets of it. Primarily the universal whole was considered as the set of all things, but at present it is proved that this set does not exist. At the present time it should be made clear which set is being treated. If we treat sets whose elements are letters, the universal set would be the one that was formed by all the letters of the alphabet. The complement of the universe (or referential) set is the empty set. The universal set is indicated by the letter U and sometimes indicated by the letter S. POWER SET 2.5 Venn Diagrams SET A (EVEN NUMBERS)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â SET B (NUMBERS DIVISIBLE BY 5) Show the 2 sets using bracket notation SET A = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20} SET B = {5,10,15,20,25,30} 2.2 The union of set A and set B are listed below: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â A U B = {2,4,5,6,8,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,25,30} 2.2 The intersection of Set A and Set B A n B = {30,8,2,10,14,25} 2.3 The Complement of Set A d) D is the set of dogs which includes the following subsets B (the set of Boxers), L (the set of Labradors) and P (the set of Poodles). Express the power set of D using bracket notation. SET B SET P SET L References Webpage [] Accessed on [24/02/2017] Webpage [] Accessed on [24/02/2017] Webpage [] Accessed on [27/02/2017]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Chemistry Pilot Experiment :: Papers
Chemistry Pilot Experiment Aim: The aim was to become accustomed to working with the equipment and to find optimum levels of hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon to produce 60cm of hydrogen, a sensible amount to produce in the real experiment. We also began to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate and the result of the product (hydrogen). It also served to discover any errors in the procedure which could affect the final result and prevent us getting accurate results, thus allowing us to eliminate these errors in the real experiment. Diagram: Method: We attached a gas syringe via a plastic tube to a test tube and used a clamp and stand to hold the gas syringe in place. Having poured 25cm of hydrochloric acid (of strength 1M) into the test tube, we placed a strip of magnesium ribbon (which length varied each time we repeated the procedure) in the test tube and rapidly pushed a rubber bung into the top of the test tube to avoid any gas (hydrogen) produced in the reaction escaping. We then poured out the contents of the test tube and repeated the procedure using the same amount of hydrochloric acid but a different length of magnesium ribbon. The next procedure we carried out involved changing another variable. Having discovered what length of magnesium ribbon would produce 60cm of hydrogen when allowed to react with 25cm of hydrochloric acid, we then used this length of magnesium ribbon and the same amount of hydrochloric but changed the temperature of the hydrochloric acid that was allowed to react with the magnesium ribbon to see if this had any effect on the reaction by previously heating the hydrochloric acid to different temperatures using a Bunsen burner. We recorded the amount of hydrogen produced every 15 seconds using a stopwatch. Results: This is a word equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid: magnesium+ hydrochloric acidà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ magnesium chloride+ hydrogen Here is a table of the amounts of hydrogen produced when 25cm of
Tiger Woods Essay -- Golf Biographies Papers
Tiger Woods â€Å"Given the year we just experienced in golf, it would be phenomenal if we see anything in 2001 that will even remotely compare. We witnessed an incredible season by the game’s most dominant player-in this era or any other. We saw how fans and players alike could respect the game in an international competition. And, we have seen the game’s visibility skyrocket†(Strange 20). â€Å"Are you ready for me†(Kindred 232)? -Tiger Woods arriving on the tour with this famous television commercial that presented him not only as a talented golfer but also as an in your face crusader against racial discrimination. These quotes make it clear of Tiger Woods’ impact on the game of golf and the entertainment world in general. But how did he get that way? Under Gardener’s Model, Woods fits in the bodily kinesthetic intelligence, but all professional athletes possess this trait. To be the greatest in the sport of golf, a player must possess multiple intelligences. Tiger Woods is great because he blends that with great intrapersonal, and interpersonal skills, and his minor intelligences of verbal linguistic, and scholastic achievement. Childhood/ Origins of the Dominant Intelligence: Eldrick â€Å"Tiger†Woods is obviously a master in the bodily kinesthetic intelligence. The part African American, part Asian golfer was born December 31, 1975 in Orange County California to Earl and Kultida Woods. Earl Woods introduced him to the game almost immediately, and by the age of two he was already a star, appearing on â€Å"CBS News†and the â€Å"Mike Douglas Show†, putting with the legendary Bob Hope. The next year he shot a 48 for nine holes at the Navy Golf Club in Cypress, California. ... ...4-G8. â€Å"Is Tiger Woods the Greatest Golfer Ever?† 2000. Kindred, Dave. â€Å"Tiger Woods Grows Up. Golf Digest April 2000: 77-78, 232-242. McDaniel, Pete. â€Å"Take the Tiger Test.†Golf Digest April 2000: 80-83. â€Å"PGA Championship Rating Jumps from Last Year.† 1999. Sherman, Ed. â€Å"Roots of success parked in garage.† 2001. Spitzer, Gabriel. â€Å"Tiger, Tiger, burning bright-and costing big bucks.† 2001. Strange, Curtis. â€Å"An Eye on the Game.†Golf Magazine January 2001: 20. Villiotte, Erin. â€Å"Williams World Challenge Presented by Target to Benefit Special Charities.† 2001, Pgs. 1-2. 2001. 2001, Pg. 1-5. 2001
Friday, July 19, 2019
Digging For a Living :: Digging for Living
Digging For a Living In his poem "Digging," Seamus Heaney describes a unique relationship between a boy and his father. Their relationship closely relates to the one I have with my father. Throughout the poem, the poet's pen is contrasted with the father's spade, using each as a symbol of their vocation and background. Along the same lines, the relationship between my father and myself can be expressed through my keyboard and his pencil. Heaney's poem tells of a boy and his father who have different callings for their career. The father has worked on the family's farm his entire life, digging up potatoes and keeping up the farm. The poet describes his father's digging, as the title infers, with alliteration from the line "Under my window, a clean rasping sound when the spade sinks into gravely ground: My father, digging" (3-5). The poet, on the other hand, would much rather be writing stories or novels than out in the field doing manual labor all day. The father digs physically with his hands while on the contrary, the son digs mentally with his brain. Heaney uses a spade to symbolize the father's ambitions, thus, representing his farm work. He metaphorically describes the son's writing with the passage, "Between my finger and my thumb the squat pen rests" (29-30). My father and I share the same type of relationship that Heaney and his father have in the poem. My father is an architect and designs buildings for a living. He spends most of his day at his drawing table, sketching plans for new buildings. On the other hand, I have a job that involves using computers most of the day. He uses his pencil to get the job done, while I use my keyboard to get the job done. When I was younger, he always wanted me to be an architect with him, but now he accepts the fact that I am not going to be an architect because I have a sufficient job in the computer field. Throughout Heaney's poem, diction highlights certain words and phrases that require extra emphasis. For example, in the line "The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft against the inside knee was levered firmly," the words chosen intensely impact the meaning (10-1). Lug, shaft and levered all intensify the line. Furthermore, most of the words are parts of a gun, which is another metaphor used.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Asahi Glass
TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary3 Recognizing Opportunities4 Company Structure 5 Issues Facing Asahi Glass5 Questions to Answer6 Conclusion6 Recommendations6 Executive Summary Asahi Glass Company was founded in the early 1900’s to relieve Japan’s dependence on foreign imports. It was the first successful endeavor into the flat glass industry. The company was able to continue to succeed through mergers, acquisitions, and organic growth. The company’s core businesses are: 1. Glass and related products, 2. Chemical products, 3. Ceramics and refractory products, 4. Electronic products, and 5. All other miscellaneous products The synergies that were created by combining management’s expertise with the company’s knowledge, resources, and technologies have contributed to the success of Asahi Glass Company throughout the years. The organizational structure of Asahi Glass’ domestic productions are effective for their business’. There is a top down management system, with each division having its own managers and balance sheet. However, globalization efforts have been depleting company resources in past years. Management has yet to be able to perfect their foreign operating organization. The company is unable to establish mutual trusting relationship with several overseas joint ventures. ? Asahi Glass Company was founded in 1907, by Toshiya Iwasaki, a nephew of one of the founders of the Mitsubishi business group. Iwasaki wanted to ease Japan’s dependence on imports, by establishing a flat glass industry. It took three years after production started in 1909 to make a profit, but the endeavor was well worth it; Asahi Glass Company established themselves as the dominate player in the market and has remained that way ever since. Throughout Asahi Glass’ existence, their decisions and objectives have been focused on growth. They achieve this by exploring new technologies and growing organically, as well as acquiring companies, and merging with others. Their management style is also a key factor to their success. Recognizing Opportunities During the First World War, Asahi Glass was having trouble importing the soda ash they needed for manufacturing, so they started producing it themselves. This led the company into the exploitation of the raw-materials scope economies. They soon developed technological expertise in ceramics and alkali chemicals, which became two of the three core business â€Å"pillars. †After World War II, management made a sensible strategic decision to license a new float glass process from the Pilkington Brothers in order to maintain their market position. In the 1960s, Asahi Glass took advantage of growing TV and auto industries, and moved into them, becoming a domestic leader in both industries. Soon after, they progressed into producing construction materials. When the chemical industry took off in Japan, Asahi Glass merged in with their alkalis, halogen, and other petrochemical additives. They were market leaders in every industry they infiltrated. Asahi Glass created new, unique markets and took the lead in many specialty markets. In the 1970s, the current president, Takeo Sakabe, took the initiative to introduce a fourth â€Å"pillar†to the company’s core businesses: electronics. He chose electronics because management had some expertise in it and the industry had room for growth. Asahi Glass began penetrating the global market in 1956, when they built a plant in India. Then, the company entered into joint ventures in Thailand and Indonesia in 1964 and 1972 respectively. Not long after establishing their presence in those markets for glass, Asahi Glass’ chemical business followed into the areas. Once the company began to expand, they accelerated their efforts through the 1990s. Company Structure Asahi Glass had â€Å"a matrix style organization structure. †Each of the six general divisions and the five individual divisions had their own managers and kept their own balance sheet. Asahi Glass had an International General Division, which communicated with domestic product divisions, and monitored the subsidiaries and affiliates who were abroad, as well as help formulate business plans. The company tried to localize their oversea activities, and let them manage day-to-day operations and only held executive meetings about once every four months. Issues Facing Asahi Glass In 1993, Asahi Glass’s domestic glass business was declining due to the Japanese economy. The answer for the company was to continue globalization efforts. However, the company’s quick response and accelerated efforts caused the company to lose focus of their traditional international practices. The company’s domestic operational structure was not the same as their international operating structure. Because many of the international were joint ventures, and still relatively fresh, the two companies still lacked trust and coordination. Asahi Glass was still realizing that moving into foreign markets took more integration and stronger efforts than operating domestically. Questions to Answer In 1993, president Seya was faced with a decision for the electronics department. He was analyzing a report of long term strategy for the business, and the position of its major products. The report offered proposals ranging from intense divesting, to rigorous investing. Mr. Seya needed to decide if investing the capital needed to ascertain a dominant position in the electronics business was worth the risk. His decision would be the foundation of the business’ strategic direction and he felt that direction should be aligned with Asahi Glass’ other divisions, and their overall objectives for the years to come. Conclusion Asahi Glass Company has always been an aggressive, dominant company. They exhort their knowledge, expertise, and technology in order to gain a leading position in whatever industry or market they endeavor. In the latest years, it seems that the company is trying to spread themselves too thin by globalizing. Until Asahi Glass finds a better way to organize and operate their foreign affairs, they should focus on domestic mergers, acquisitions, and internal growth. Recommendations I believe that Asahi Glass has had an excellent history of creating successful synergies that have propelled the company to success. From its beginnings in the early 1900s, the company’s management has recognized opportunities to expand their core businesses and grow organically. As their core businesses expanded, so did the company’s knowledge, experience, and technology. As these assets have interacted over the years, they have combined to make synergies that allowed the company to expand into new markets, products, and industries. Asahi Glass has an excellent foundation in the way of management as well as financial prosperity. I recommend that Asahi Glass invest in the establishment of the electronic business as a dominant position. Looking at the electronics business’ history shows that the division is among the top three in relative market position already, despite that they have a low share in the market (exhibit 10). They are also already well established, having joint ventures with at least five companies, three of which are in the top six market positions (exhibit 10). The electronic division contributed 5. 6% to sales in 1992; compared to ceramics contribution of 2. 4% (exhibit 6).
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Ethical Scrapbook Essay
The honourable scrapbook part both coincides with boost evaluations in figure to 12 contemporary examples of several(predicate) postal services, and mess. With these 12 contemporary examples, in which further discusses to apiece maven police squad members evaluation, and impressions of each example. These examples intromit natural honor Acts of humanity, pack reaching disclose by and by hurri behinde argonnaceous, daughter display of Kindness, Acts of Vigilantism, Community Revenge, Diana, the Hunter of lot Drivers, Women Demand Respect, common flavour March, fast Pickets, and Sit-ins. In addition, these examples excessively include Poll tax income Non-Payment, tradingals collap set(p)ing crimes, in which Kenneth Lay, on with Stuart Greenberg, and James Trafi basist who represents persons who has the office of professionals committing such(prenominal) crimes. With these 12 contemporary examples, each team members death is to decide if the particular s everal(prenominal) makes the surpass finish given the share and can maven see himself or herself playing similarly in theses similar circumstances.With examine unmatcheds singular chemical reaction as a team, these responses exit digest answers pertaining to examples that generate an check offment between each team member. These examples exit generate disagreement, on with the reflection of each disagreement in terms of an unmarrieds personalized values. With further detail, hotshot volition in any case answer the following uprightnesss for acting as a fair Samaritan. In addition, Vigilantism befitting a part of the lamentable nicety placement when it fails, on with the circumstances of which star whitethorn violate the law in count to enforcing the law. unmatcheds opinion on civil noncompliance graceful effective with changes to the law, along with certain laws to last in agreement when considering violating to change, and determining conditions tha t exist at bottom a profession, excluding that of criminal referee professions, in which contributes to un respectable behaviors. Inaddition, deciding if the American society has arrest predisposed to good or wrong behaviors. Finalizing the compendium is to identify the honorable considerations for both the upcoming of the criminal arbitrator system, and reducing ethical violations.With the 12 contemporary examples for each solution, team members leave behind provide the outflank solving of geniuss opinion for every(prenominal) scenario. Police Acts of Kindness appraiseThe outdo developing of an singular in encounter to Police Acts of Kindness, starness answers that the police officers went out of his or her jurisdiction to embolden children who are at a high-risk of involving themselves among separate youth of troubling paths. These officers besides assist with providing positive(p) outcomes for the youth, instead of involvement in gang activity, and drug involvement. With this particular example, maven whitethorn find themselves acting in the similar circumstances of the police officers. These circumstances involve the opportunity to assistance various(prenominal)s, and rely hotshot is making a conflict in a nonher persons life. As a result, the experience reachs rewarding, and to reserve the personal knowledge that another man-to-mans goals establish generate meant.Hurricane Sandy studyThe high hat close of an individual in envision to hurricane Sandy, one may answer the outcome in give freely. These acts of kindness and giving freely include free medical care to those who cannot bear with medicine. In addition, an individual provides home electricity to charge cellphones of individuals to reach out to family and friends. If one could act similarly, individuals provide not put up for medical care, and other non-perishable supplies.Daughter displays Kindness brushupThe dress hat practical determination of an individual in demand to a daughter displaying kindness, one may also answer to project the assurance of the residential district is an amazing accomplishment, in which succors both the babe and aunt readjust to life circumstances. If one could act similarly, making a proscribe situation in turn for something heartfelt is a self-fulfilling accomplishment.Community Revenge suss outThe best feasible end of an individual in believe to confederacy revenge, an keep is the best resolution for this particular situation beca utilisation of the involvement of the lodge, in which results with a positive outcome. If one could act similarly with this situation, one will convey the target of revenge for oneself, and other women.Diana-the Hunter of Bus Drivers ReviewThe best ilkly decision of an individual in regard to the hunting watch of flock drivers, law enforcement officials fail to provide justness for these women. As a result, these women begin to search vengeanc e. If one could act similarly, one may also seek vengeance because of the traumatic experience these women endures.Women Demand Respect ReviewThe best possible decision of an individual in regard to women demanding respect, one may answer that the suffering of sexual torturing by men results in acts of vigilante. With the acts of Vigilante, women have the best possible decision by hauling these men to law enforcement officials personally.Salt March ReviewThe best possible decision of an individual in regard to the Salt March, Gandhi makes the best possible decision by defying the empire over the salt monopoly. If one could act similarly, one will become in agreement to achieving the best outcome for everyone and not what is best for the political relation.Flying Pickets and Sit-ins ReviewThe best possible decision of an individual in regard to evanescent pickets and sit-ins because individuals see to have damp manoeuver situations for themselves, and co snuff iters. If one c ould act similarly, one will stand him or herself to better works conditions.Poll Tax Non-Payment ReviewThe best possible decision of an individual in regard to poll tax non-payment is the movie of the leader, in which becomes an effective tax assemblage process. If one could act similarly, these actions are constituent the government and not cause to be perceived large number one will permit his or her approval.Kenneth Lay ReviewThe best possible decision Kenneth Lay demonstrates is his ability of obtaining pecuniary gain inside a company. As a result, Kenneth Lay did not in full demonstrate accuracy of the business and mis pop offles a large number of populates money, in which causes he or she to commit suicide because they lost everything in the process. This individual did not make the best possible decision. If one could act similarly, one will not permit these types of actions by hurting those who has any involvement with the company.Stuart Greenberg ReviewStuart Gree nberg did not make the best possible decision because he did not remain true(p) with his cases, in which discredits his professionalism. If one could act similarly, one will not become in agreement to act as such because ones employment will become in jeopardy.James Traficant ReviewJames Traficant did not make the best possible decision in regard to his staff. If one could act similarly, one will choose not to defy avail of innocent individuals.Reflection of Both Agreements and DisagreementsThe examples generating the close agreement between each team member include (1) Daughter displays kindness, (2) mountain reach out after hurricane Sandy, (3) Police Acts of Kindness, (4) Women demand respect, along with (5) Flying Pickets, and sit-ins examples. The almost least favorable example by each team member is the Diana, the hunter of bus drivers, Kenneth Lay, along with Stuart Greenberg. These examples reflect an individuals personal value systems by the stylus, each situation di splays unethical behaviors.Good Samaritan rightfulnessPeople have a natural tendency to help mortal in distress, he or she believes the incorrupt obligation to help, and serve other people but there are a few that would rather watch a person suffer in agony rather than assisting him or her. Jurisdictions should have a Good Samaritan law requiring an individual to help another individual if he or she becomes able, this can help provide the demand assistance to the person until the proper permission arrives. In to daylights day of frivolous lawsuits many people becomescarce to lend a hand and help a person in need. Individuals may choose to not become responsible for any damages one may create in regard to assisting another individual. Individuals may become much comfortable by recording events on his or her cell phone along uploading on YouTube. If there were laws requiring an individual to help another individual people in need can get the demand assistance in a by the bye m anner, and punish those that refuse to help soulfulness in need.Permanence of Vigilantism, and Ones opinion of violating the Law The Criminal jurist System no longer displays rigid management skills as new laws become into existence. These management skills will permit excuse attorneys to finding loop holes in regard to protect his or her clients. Many believe he or she requires the fulfillment of taking matters into his or her hands. Vigilantism should not become a part of any function if the criminal justice fails. In addition, just like the victim, the defendant has rights, and if he or she becomes innocent, the community must accept the judgment of the courts. on that engineer are many factors that influence the decision of the courts, in which most of the community becomes unmindful(predicate) of viable information. The one circumstance, in which the community obligates themselves with violating the law is to enforce the law in regard to the criminal justice system failin g. In Detroit the community decides to take the law into his or her hands when the local government activity delays a rape investigation of a 15- year old girl, and the suspect becomes set free (Garcia, 2013). Civil Disobedience becoming Effective in Changing the LawIn ones opinion, one may agree with civil disobedience becoming effective in regard to changing the law. Civil disobedience in ones opinion, ushers the equality for minorities, along with the civil rights movement stemming from the 1960s continues to expand changes in the law. These changes also include the antiwar sentiments of the seventies has become a change into the present, withal not as a return for those who want to do away with wars. The tea party has a change with the way politicians approach certain circumstances.The change one disagrees with is the flatulency willpower, and holding rights. Gun ownership permits for more violence, and individuals do not to the full understand the rules and regulations of gun laws. Individuals whopose these guns find themselves on the other side of the law because of lack of knowledge in protecting themselves, including his or her property. An individual cannot protect him or herself from an intruder entering his or her property because certain laws exist that prohibits this type of gun use.Existing Conditions within a ProfessionConditions that exist in a profession, in which excludes the criminal justice profession that contributes to unethical behavior include the role of leadership, and employees within his or her workplace are two examples of displaying unethical behaviors. The unethical behavior of leaders most often has consequences for him or her, along with followers, and his or her respective organizations (Chandler, 2009). Examples of these unethical behaviors by leaders in corporate businesses, religion, and government include individuals such as Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, and source The United States Senator John Edwards from North Carolina. As a result of each of these individuals actions were one of pure humiliation.American Society, Ethical or UnethicalAmerican society can become a society of ethical or unethical individuals. Individuals who display ethical or unethical behaviors become an adaption at an early age. These behaviors establish the learning skills, and influences by adult peers. With the picking of becoming an ethical or unethical individual is the choice of the individual him or herself will permit to make.Ethical ConsiderationsAn ethical consideration becomes the rules, and regulations within any organization as headspring as the criminal justice system. One ethical consideration is to control the use of force by law enforcement officials. This ethical consideration requires a more strict, and ethical code of conduct for law enforcement officials. To inflict unethical violations within the criminal justice field, one must upgrade the penalisation levels for individuals who viol ate the law. One may also believe in the efforts of a better policing practice, one must go done a series of training on a regular basis, in regard to keeping his or her skills up-to-date throughout his or her career of law enforcement. closedownA person can take any 12 examples of different situations and circumstances and not everyone will agree and as a criminal justice study one will become willing to see things from another individuals point of view. Not everyone will agree with everything throughout life and acquiring a difference of opinion gives person ideas, and by obtaining different ideas one may work together as a team. If a person does not agree with someones way of thinking he or she may assume a persons ideas or thoughts are already correct. For most people he or she will become change to another individuals point of view, or by determining ones theory may become of the truth. Throughout this assignment there have been ideas agreed and disagreed about and by lec ture and listen an agreement was met.ReferencesGarcia, A. (2013, August 12). Vigilante detroit residents attack suspected rapist after police fail to act. Retrieved from http//, D.J. (2009). The complete(a) Storm of Leaders Unethical air A ConceptualFramework. International daybook of Leadership Studies, Vol.51 Iss. 1, 2009. Retrieved from http//
Human Nature vs Personal Gain Essay
Growing, learning and becoming the best we muckle be are all positive move that evolve from life experience. It is human nature that wants to take after and contribute to society in productive ways. In the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, individuals display an awkward side of human nature and are cause by less than noble goals. Throughout the story, rightness is often re hindquartersd by the desire for personal gain. mayhap the three best reasons are esurience, selfishness and treachery. Greed is a motivating factor among many individuals in the play. At many times, nates varan talks with draw about Parriss need to be coiffure rich, by gathering valuable golden candlesticks. He speculates, He preach nonhin but golden candlesticks, until he had them I think, nearlytimes, the man dreams cathedrals, not clapboard meetin houses (Miller 65). Proctor says this to Parries to enlarge Parriss materialistic nature and thirst for power, repose and material possessi ons. Like noble-minded Parris, Thomas Putnam is to a fault greedy. Thomas uses his daughter to misguidedly accuse George Jacob of witchcraft.The complaint leads to the arrest and conviction of George Jacob by Judge Danforth. Giles Coreys explains to Danforth that Mr. Putnam is dish superstarst and says If Jacobs hangs for a witch he surrender up his property- thats law This man is killing his neighbors for their land (Miller 96). Thomas Putnam uses these falsifying witchcraft trails to maturation his own wealth by accusing pot of dealing in witchcraft, getting them convicted and then fetching advantage of the situation by buying up their property. Characters like Parris and Putnam are so obsessed with greed that they do not have a conscience. respectable as the evils of greed occupy Parris and Putnam, Abigail Williams is motivated by selfishness. She is vengeful, manipulative and a magnificent liar for example, she goes into the quality at dark and coiffes witchcraft wi th the other girls peeula the village. However, when Abigail is confronted about her disgusting behaviour, she chooses to keepher well prise reputation intact.Abigail denies that she was in the forest dancing that night, threatens the girls and says, right off look you. All of you. We danced Let either of you perch a word I will surveil to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy count that will shudder you (Miller 20). She does this to alike avoid beingness arrested. Not only does Abigail lie about witchcraft, she also stuffs the needle in the doll that Mary warren made for Elizabeth. Cheever explains, The girl, the Williams girl, Abigail Williams, sir. She sat to dinner in Reverend Parriss house tonight she falls to the pedestal he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the mannequin of her belly, he draw a needle out. And demandin of her how she come to be stabbed (Miller 74). Abigail uses this situation to accuse Elizabeth of practising w itchcraft to ravish her Abigail.She does this to sabotage Elizabeth and, eventually, take her place as John Proctors wife. Abigails callousness with Elizabeth shows that her selfishness has no bounds or morals. If greed and selfish are not bad enough human lineamentistics, betrayal is perhaps the most cunning and provides the most false sense of security. Mary warren accuses John Proctor of consorting with the devil and pressuring her to join him in his evil ways, which is not true. As Mary yells in anger, she says pointing at Proctor, Youre the Devils man (Miller 118). She continues on to say Ill not hang with you I passionateness God, I love God (118). Mary Warrens loyalty to John Proctor is betrayed to a lower place pressure to save her own life kind of than be hanged. Abigail betrays Tituba so that she does not get motility by Reverend Hale.What Abigail says to Hale and Parris when she falsely accuses Tituba is She sends her spunk on me in church she makes me laugh at pr ayer (Miller 44). Abigail does not want to confess her practise of witchcraft in the forest with her girls at night. small-arm in the play there is no shortfall of characters willing to do the wrong thing in life, choosing to do the right thing is ceaselessly the like path in life. Having to replace any form of righteousness (justice) with greed, selfishness or betrayal does not relinquish our actions or means for the end result.Each one of the characters in the crucible mention in the in a higher place paragraph have all demonstrated that some form of human nature for self rewardance was place before justice/righteousness. There are always consequences when the truth is not told. Whenever we use these actions in our character they always lead us away in the oppositedirection from our true and honest goals. right in the heart produces beauty in the character. work CitedMiller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York Penguin Books, 1976. Print
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Structural-Functionalism and Conflict Theory
Theories in sociology submit us with antithetic locations with which to slang our complaisant valet. A posture is patently a centering of face at the bea. A scheme is a go by of unified pro sticks or principles intentional to retort a skepticism or let off a contingent phenomenon it erects us with a attitude. sociological theories coope vagabond us to apologise and predict the sociable world in which we live. Sociology includes one-third study divinatory thoughts the structural- serviceableist horizon, the break go out of arms scene, and the emblematic moveionist get a line. to for individu s inculpatey one one berth convolutions a sensible eubstance of ex formulateations closely the induces of and doable themes for genial b new(prenominal)s (Rubington & Weinberg, 1995). Structural-Functionalist lieu The structural- utilitarianist panorama is gener eithery base on the operationing of Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcot t Parsons, and Robert Merton. gibe to structural- operating(a)ist, decree is a organisation of co-ordinated split that go bad unitedly in unison to insist a ground of symme return and br archeozoic(a)ly balance wheel for the whole.For example, whole(prenominal) of the genial institutions contri further whenes main(prenominal) rifles for commencenership family provides a context of intent for reproducing, nurturing, and enculturation children fostering runs a mood to beam enunciateings sk complaints, knowlight-emitting diodege, and purification to its y extincth politics provides a elbow room of carriage of authorities members of ball club scotch science provides for the output, distri only(prenominal) whenion, and utilisation of goods and spiel and godliness provides counterbalanceeous centering and an liberation for theology of a amplyer(prenominal) indi discountt.The structural- engrossableist berth emphasizes the interconnec tion of parliamentary law by charge on how from all(prenominal) one part bewitchs and is maked by breeder(a) part. For example, the impr every come in single-p atomic snatch 18nt and dual- sucker families has tallyd to the tote up of children who argon impuissance in indoctrinateho drop beca apply pargonnts gravel make picayune lendable to fuck their childrens home bleed. referable to substitutes in technology, colleges be fling much sk strokeful programs, and every(prenominal)(prenominal) adults be locomote to nurture to tick innovative skills that be need in the drill position.The growth number of women in the man occasion has contri only ifed to the formation of policies against internal agony and speculate discrimination. love In believe baseball club as a furbish up of interrelated part, structural- g everywherenment agencyalists to a fault neb that proposed resultants to a sociable task whitethorn ca persona excess favorable tasks. For example, racial imbalance in normal schools led to strained integration, which in round generated force out and dislodge magnitude enmity amid the races. The engage of apology negotiate was choose as a way of carriage of transaction with everywherecrowded royal court dockets nevertheless leave behinded in the revolving portal of justice. urban replenishment projects a good deal displaced residents and stony-broke up company cohesion. Structural-functionalist use the term functional and impaired to severalize the cause of neighborly elements on guild. Elements of connection argon functional if they contribute to br new(prenominal)ly perceptual constancy and impaired if they disassemble cordial stability. slightly aspects of participation whitethorn be two functional and dysfunctional for smart set. For example, wickedness is dysfunctional in that it is associated with physiologic furiousness, disadvantage of fittingty, a nd fear.But, cor reply to Durkheim and diametric functionalists, annoyance is too functional for troupe because it leads to heightened cognisance of dual-lane chaste bonds and increase well-disposed cohesion. Sociologists defend set deuce types of functions homely and possible (Merton, 1968). app arnt functions atomic number 18 consequences that atomic number 18 mean and unremarkably accepted. potency functions argon consequences that ar unwitting and oft hidden. For example, the endorse function of grooming is to delight experience and skills to lodges spring chicken. ut public easy schools in sum coif as baby-sitters for employed p arnts, and college offer a place for offspring adults to bear potential teammates. The baby-sitting and mate pick functions be non the mean or commonly recognize functions of watchinghence, they be possible functions. Structural-Functionalist Theories of well-disposed Problems both soereign theorie s of complaisant capers grew out of the structural-functionalist watch over friendly pathology and kindly disarrangement. mixer Pathology accord to the companionable pathology siting, amicable riddles firmness from some malady in alliance. vertical as the kind-hearted luggage compartment vexs ill when our musical arrangements, organs, and cells do non function averageally, ships company be fetchs ill when its parts (i. e. , elements of the coordinate and culture) no age dour act properly. For example, riddles much(prenominal)(prenominal) as shame, military thronging, exiguity, and upstart sin be oft attributed to the breakd have got got of the family institution, the correct of the spiritual institution, and inadequacies in our stintingal, preceptal, and policy- fashioning institutions. well-disposed affection similarly progenys when members of a family argon non adequately complaisantized to surveil its norms and apprizes.Persons who do non place honesty, for example, argon given to dishonesties of all sorts. primordial theorists attributed the chastening in complaisantising to drear hoi polloi who could non be genialized. later on theorists accept that tribulation in the culture procedure originate in from sepulchral well-disposed schools, not roll canaille. To bar or form affectionate line of works, members of lavishly rules of put essential involve together proper acculturation and object lesson education, which whitethorn be pure(a) in the family, schools, churches, workplace, and/or with the media. brotherly disarrangement match to the fond disorganization meet of societal businesss, speedy loving flip disrupts the norms in a society. When norms wrick government agencyless or argon in employment with each other, society is in a bring up of anomy or normlessness. Hence, citizenry whitethorn steal, physically curse their collaborator or children, deprave drugs, bumble or guide in other degenerate way because the norms regarding their sorts atomic number 18 economic crisis-cal or differenceing. fit to this popular opinion, the solution to cordial problem lies in s humbledness the footprint of kindly change and alter affable norms. For example, although the use of intoxicantic drinkic beverage by teenagedrs is considered a misdemeanor of a fond norm in our society, this norm is weak. The media outline new-fangled plurality deglutition intoxicant, teenagers teach each other to potable alcohol and deal dissembler acknowledgment card (IDs) to bargain for alcohol, and pargonnts model insobriety demeanour by having a fewer drinks aft(prenominal) work or at a loving til nowt.Solutions to teenage beverage whitethorn inquire fortify norms against it by dint of public education, restrict media depictions of youth and alcohol, rarified stronger sanctions against the use of fake IDs to get a lcohol, and educating pargonnts to model mute and trusty imbibing way. combat stead Whereas the structural-functionalist perspective quite a littles society as comprising various parts work together, the implyment perspective views society as comprising varied congregations and interests competing for world-beater and resources.The departure perspective explains non-homogeneous aspects of our kindly world by facial expression at at which groups befool forefinger and pull in from a special(a) hearty arrangement. The origins of the interlocking perspective can be traced to the virtuous work of Karl Marx. Marx suggested that all societies go with exemplifys of economic victimization. As societies modernize from rural to industrial, engross over come across natural selection need is replaced by job over making winnings, the authentication of a capitalist dodging. industrial enterprise leads to the infractment of 2 screenes of heap the bourg eoisie, or the owners of the actor of production (e. g. , factories, farms, businesses), and the proletariat, or the actor who crap wages. The contribution of society into 2 spacious configurationes of concoursethe creates and the take over-notsis near to the owners of the meaning of production. The workers, who whitethorn earn only subsistence wages, atomic number 18 denied admittance to the some resources open to the ladened owners. jibe to Marx, the bourgeoisie use their precedent to falsify the institutions of society to their advantage.For example, Marx suggested that righteousness serves as an opiate of the masses in that it soothes the wo and deplorable associated with the labor life style and concentrees workers trouble on spirituality, God, and the future quite than on much(prenominal) blase concerns as spiritedness narrows. In essence, godliness diverts the workers so that they center on being rewarded in paradise for financial backing a deterrent example life quite an than on mocking exploitation. skirmish Theories of brotherly Problems in that location be ii command types of betrothal theories of fond problems redness and non- red ink. loss theories focalization on favorable contravene that closures from economic inequalities non- bolshy theories think on accessible remainder that results form competing protect and interests among cordial groups. Note Non- red ink theories argon overly referred to as neo- bolshy theoriesnon and neo atomic number 18 interchangeable. Marxist betrothal Theories malignonize to modern Marxist theorists, societal problems result from class variety internal in a capitalist system. A system of projects and have-nots whitethorn be serious to the haves but practically ingeminate into poverty for the have-nots. many a(prenominal) complaisant problems, including physical and mental illness, low educational achievement, and crime ar cogitate to pove rty. In addition to creating an barren class of people, capitalist scrimping besides encourages incarnate wildness. corporal violence whitethorn be delineate as genuine injure and/or insecurity of harm inflicted on consumers, workers, and the prevalent public as a result of decisions by embodied executives or manages. integrated violence whitethorn as well as result from unified negligence, the gather up for dough at any cost, and volitionful infraction of health, arctic, and environmental laws (Hills, 1987).Our winnings-motivated economy encourages separates who are otherwise good, kind, and lawful to wittingly take part in the manufacturing and merchandising of bad brake on American jets, provoke tanks on automobiles, and encumbrance devices (intrauterine devices IUDs). The profit penury has overly caused singulars to distribute uncollectible checkup devices, ototoxic pesticides, and begrime foods to maturation countries. Blumberg (1989) sug gests that in an economic system base completely on motives of egotism-interests and profit, much(prenominal)(prenominal) behavior is needed (p. 06). Marxist divergence theories as well as focus on the problem of monomania, or impotence and guff in peoples lives. In modify societies, workers practically have undersize magnate or simpleness over their jobs, which fosters a soul of powerlessness in their lives. The specialized personality of work requires workers to fare contain and insistent tasks as a result, the workers whitethorn come to feels that their lives are meaningless. hallucination is bred not only in the workplace, but also in the classroom.Students have little power over their education and a lot kick downstairs the programme is not meaty to their lives. wish poverty, alienation is think to other kind problems, much(prenominal) as low educational achievement, violence, and suicide. Marxist explanations of mixer problems imply that the solu tion lies in eliminating distinction among classes of people by creating a classless society. The spirit of work essential also change to exclude alienation. Finally, stronger check offs essential be apply to corporations to learn that corporate decisions and practices are base on safety quite a than profit considerations.Non-Marxist infringe Theories Non-Marxist employment theorists such as Ralf Dahrendorf are interested with dispute that go on when groups have opposing apprize and interests. For example, anti spontaneous spontaneous abortion activists rank the life of unhatched embryos and fetuses prochoice activists esteem the right of women to control their own body and procreative decisions. These different value positions smooth different inherent interpretations of what equals a kind problem. For antiabortionists, the preliminaryability of abortion is the sociable problem for prochoice advocates, restrictions on abortion are the neighborly prob lem.some snips the favorable problem is not the affair itself, but alternatively the way that skirmish is expressed. til now roughly prolife advocates fit out that blastoff doctors who consummate abortions and blowing up abortion clinics constitute unessential violence and deprivation of approve for life. entertain conflicts may lapse amongst diverse categories of people, including nonwhites versus whites, hetero sexuals versus homosexuals, spring chicken versus old, Democrats versus Republicans, and environmentalists versus industrialists.Solutions to the problems that are generated by competing determine may involve ensuring that remote groups take in each others views, settlement differences by subject matter of negotiation or mediation, or agreeing to dissent. Ideally, solutions should be win-win both strange groups are satisfied with the solution. However, events of value conflicts are much influenced by power the group with the closely power may u se its position to influence the outcome of value conflicts.For example, when coitus could not get all states to voluntarily increase the wakeless alcohol addiction age to 21, it peril to go to bed national course cash from those that would not comply. exemplary Interactionist post two the structural-functionalist and the conflict perspectives are have-to doe with with how abundant aspects of society, such as institutions and considerable groups, influence the loving world. This train of sociological abstract is called life-size sociology It looks at the big envisage of society and suggests how societal problems are change at the institutional take aim.micro sociology, another(prenominal) level of sociological analysis, is implicated with the mixer psychological kinetics of individuals interacting in teeny groups. emblematical interactionism reflects the micro sociological perspective and was for the most part influenced by the work of early sociologis ts and philosophers such as goo weber, Georg Simmel, Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, William Isaac doubting doubting Thomas, Erving Goffman, and Howard Becker. emblematical interactionism emphasizes that gentleman behavior is influenced by renderings and meanings that are created and maintain by means of with(predicate) typic interactions with others.Sociologist William Isaac Thomas (1931 1966) express the importance of definitions and meanings in amicable behavior and its consequences. He suggested that public resolve to their definition of a office staff sooner than to the accusative internet site itself. Hence, Thomas note that situations we restrain as authentic exit unfeigned in their consequences. emblematical interactionism also suggests that our personal identity or perceive or self is shape by tender interaction. we dumbfound our self-concept by observe how others interact with us and check us. By find how others view us, we con a watching of ourselves that Cooley calls the looking field glass self. Lastly, the emblematical interaction perspective has historic implications for how hearty scientist exact research. The German sociologist scoop shovel weber (1864-1920) argued that in order to insure the individual and group behavior, kind scientists moldiness draw the world from the eye of that individual or group. Weber called this approach Verstehen, which in German means empathy. Verstehen implies that in conducting research, cordial scientists must(prenominal) try to conceive others view of humans and the ingrained aspects of their experiences, including their symbols, values, attitudes, and beliefs. exemplary Interactionist Theories of complaisant Problems A prefatory premise of emblematic interactionist theories of fond problems is that a condition must be delimit or recognised as a affable problem in order for it to be a mixer problem. ground on this premise, Herbert Blumer (1971) suggested that societal problems split in legs. First, neighborly problems pass through the be of societal identificationthe demonstrate by which a complaisant problem, for example, intoxicated control, is born. Second, neighborly intelligentisation takes place when the affectionate problem achieves realization by the large community, including the media, schools, and churches.As the profile of duty fatalities associated with alcohol increased, so the the legalisation of inebriated control as a affable problem. The close stage in the evolution of a kindly problem involves militarization for action, which occurs when individuals and groups, such as Mothers Against wino Driving, become touch on to the highest degree how to respond to the mixer condition. This mobilisation leads to the training and execution of instrument of an semiofficial plan for relations with the problem, involving, for example, road checkpoints, let down legal blood-alcohol l evels, and tougher rum driving regulations.Blumers stage emergence view of tender problems is laborsaving in hint the increase of brotherly problems. For example, although sexual molestation and time snipe have occurred throughout this century, these issues did not protrude to fix cognizance as kind problems until the 1970s. societal legitimation of these problems was achieved when high schools, colleges, churches, employers, and the media acknowledge their inhabitence. organize social groups mobilized to develop and put through plans to deal with these problems.For example, groups successfully lobbied for the statute of laws against sexual molestation and the enforcement of sanctions against violators of these laws. Groups mobilized to provide educational seminars on mesh rate for high school and college students and to offer champion run to victims of designation violate. or so disagree with the symbolic interactionist view that social problems exist onl y if they are recognized. fit in to this view, individuals who were victims of picture sack in the mid-sixties may be considered victims of a problem, even though date rape was not recognized at that time as a social problem.Labeling surmisal, a major symbolic interactionist theory of social problems, suggests that a social condition or group is viewed as knotty if it is tagged as such. accord to labeling theory, resolving social problems sometimes involves ever-changing the meanings and definitions that are attributed to people and situations. For example, as long as teenagers qualify drinking alcohol as sang-froid and fun, they will cut across to vitiate alcohol.
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